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Aardvark in NB

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Everything posted by Aardvark in NB

  1. Yeah. Head director Kenneth Vise, percussion director James Bachrach, and guard director Geoff Sperling all left for various reasons. That's not it though. We've got good people, and the head director now is David Eckert, who's been with us for almost a decade. He knows what he's doing, is loved by the students, and is just a great guy overall. We were all pretty shocked at the results. We beat Stevens by 1.5 last week with about 5 bad tears, and lost to them by 3 this week after fixing those, and having an overall better run. (I don't mean to hit JP Stevens, they're a great band. They're just our only reference - they're the only ones we've competed with twice this season.) I figure there had to be a judging fluke at either or both. Which one is more accurate, I'll leave to y'all to determine. The videos are out there, and my bias should be pretty obvious.
  2. I'm pretty sure BOA overbooked San Antonio. They're only supposed to have 60 bands, and 76 were signed up. I wouldn't be surprised if some others got cut, too.
  3. I was at SA Finals last year. I saw an attendant make a woman put her phone away and delete her video within 10 seconds of her starting. They're serious, so if there's an attendant nearby, goodluck.
  4. No commentary for LD Bell topping Marcus?
  5. CORRECTION - Reagan is going after lunch, at 1:30, right before Hendrickson
  6. Pretty good spread throughout the day. Each of the likely Top 3 in different blocks
  7. Schedule: Elgin - 9:15 Liberty Hill - 9:30 Wimberley - 9:45 Harker Heights - 10:00 BREAK Stony Point - 10:30 CC Winn - 10:45 Manor - 11:00 Pflugerville - 11:15 BREAK Marble Falls - 11:45 Temple - 12:00 Copperas Cove - 12:15 Ronald Reagan - 12:30 BREAK Hendrickson - 12:45 Canyon - 2:00 John Paul Stevens - 2:15 Belton - 2:30 Jack C Hays - 2:45 BREAK Georgetown - 3:15 Vandegrift -3:30 Lake Travis - 3:45 New Braunfels - 4:00 Stephen F Austin - 4:15
  8. I'm really curious about them and Hendrickson. Weiss is starting with a total enrollment of about 800 kids from Hendrickson's old boundaries (maybe a slight drop for them?), so they've got some good talent to build off of. Experience will be pretty lacking, since Weiss is starting with only 9th and 10th grades, but they're a total wild card for now, with some great potential.
  9. Here's the link to the official registration list - http://www.texasmarchingclassic.com/modules/regform/index.php?show=1 1. Reagan 2. Vandy 3. Hendrickson 4. New Braunfels 5. Pflugerville Next few in no particular order: Belton Canyon Hays Westwood isn't on the current list, and it's not on their public calendar, so I haven't included them for now. If they do sign up, they probably end up 4th, right behind Hendrickson. (Registration closes September 10th)
  10. I believe it was being looked at, but with the director changes, it just kind of fell through. We'll compete with Vandegrift and Hendrickson at the TMC, but other that, San Antonio is our only major contest.
  11. That's a nice sentiment, but there are only so many judges. I just looked at the Texas BOA judges from last year, and there are a bunch of repeats from week to week. Forget seeing an early season video, a lot of judges see shows live. I wish every judge at every competition was seeing every show for the first time, but it just can't happen.
  12. Vista Ridge - Coppell - Vandegrift (rehearsal) -
  13. New Braunfels just got a new head director about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Also we have 2 new assistant directors finalized Thursday.
  14. Sorry, didn't realize it got this heated. By all means, let us continue: 1. Reagan 2. CTJ 3. Churchill 4. Madison 5. Judson
  15. Not Austin so much. San Marcos is right in between SA and Austin, and we're 15 miles south of them.
  16. Yep, in 20 or 30 years, SA and Austin will join together, and NB will be caught in between like Arlington in the DFW area
  17. To those asking about whether NB is related to SA- It really just depends on who you ask when. There is some empty space between us going down I-35, and we don't really consider ourselves part of the SA met, but when non-Texas residents ask me where I live, I always just say San Antonio.
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