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About barisaxy08

  • Birthday 12/19/1989

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  1. i know im kinda late and it's been a while but i think i should be the one to say something about since I went to Westfield. Well of course Philip Geiger was the first head band director with Westfield since the 80s and retired in the 03-04 school year. After that Jodie Rhodes was head band director from the 04-05 school year to the 07-08 school year. Now Diane Vasquez is head band director of Westfield. She has worked under Philip Geiger in previous years and is responsible for a lot of trophies that both Spring and Westfield possess. If my knowledge is correct, I think she was one of the directors who was apart of the Spring '93 show. Plus Westfield has an excellent colorguard director as of now by the name of "K.C." (hadn't learned his full name lol) who directed colorguards in Colorado and is doing an excellent job with the guard now. They haven't lost a winterguard competition yet. So look out for Westfield. They will be back on top of things in the mere future.
  2. yup...i was thinking his name was "george gennin" for some odd reason but yeah...that's it.
  3. ok i got it now Westfield's Symphonic Band will be playing: Redline Tango The Sorcerer's Apprentice (and a march) Westfield's Concert Band will be playing: Canzona Circus Days Vesivuis this will definitely be a concert season to work thru
  4. As far as I know: Westfield's Symphonic Band is playing "Redline Tango" by John Mackey Westfield's Concert Band is playing "Candoza" (please correct me because I know it's wrong) and "Circus Days"
  5. okay...when i first heard about this...it confused me to the fullest...but i saw the results for myself and I have to say that you're bragging sure is worth it. Let's see how far Rowlett can go now.
  6. Westfield is now the 16-5A district champs. the first team we will play in the playoffs is the woodlands but the band isn't going to be there since they are going to GNs. that sucks.
  7. i honestly think if i didn't have band all 4 years of my high school career...i wouldn't have a reason to want to pass or really be inspired to pass besides getting into college. If anything, band helps me keep the mind frame that I need in order to keep passing my classes and actually doing my homework. If I was a normie, I wouldn't really care as much and I would just hope to pass since I really wouldn't have any type of motive to pass. So thank you band for giving me a reason to work hard when I never really wanted to.
  8. i remember getting into a "debate" coughcoughfightcoughcough over something...it's all a blur now im probably the first drum major to ever get a thread closed on txbands.com...yay me?...no
  9. oh my goodness...this is very impressive. ESPECIALLY for a high school band. i would be scared to have to compete against that. Man...they are amazing. and the thing that gets me is that they aren't even marching on a field with yard markings or anything. that's crazy. tells you how far ahead Japan is...
  10. ... i was about to say...if Borden really was giving out milk and i missed out...then... i woulda been one unhappy drum major
  11. soo...i was walking towards the alamodome to eat after our prelims performance at the Super Regional and i happen to see this... a borden truck...with instruments? can somebody explain this to me or would like to claim this vehicle on their behalf?
  12. WWWOOOWWW! and who might you be? a hater I presume...
  13. i thought since we (westfield) had an okay performance in prelims...but we managed to pull out as 5th in prelims. then when we came to finals...i felt like we had the best performance ever...and then we managed to place 9th. so you can thank BOA for confusing me to the fullest.
  14. at first i did it because: 1) it was an art and a PE credit 2) all my friends were gonna do it too but now my thoughts about band have changed in as little as four years
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