This is a tough question to try to answer because there are just so many amazing shows. However, the ones I continue to go back to over and over are.... (If there are any Avon lovers in here, here you go)
Avon 2013 - Statuesque (Probably in my top 3 favorite shows of all-time. It is also the best show to not win Nationals.)
Avon 2012 - Feast or Famine (This show helped fuel my love for marching band as I was in 6th grade beginner band that year.)
Hebron 2021 - PenStriped (For obvious reasons that I don't need to go into)
John B. Alexander 2018 - The Price of Progre$$ (Easily one of the most emotional shows ever. This show was ROBBED heavily. Absolutely deserved about 15 to 20 places higher)
Richland 2007 - iShow (Holy cow this show was awesome! The opener music + drill is 🔥)
North Shore 2016 - Muse (The entire band and staff knocked it out of the park with this show. Them making State Finals that year was 1000% accurate. They were truly one of the best in the State!)
I can 100% bet yall that I left about 1 or 2..... or maybe more on the lines of 10 to 20 shows that also deserve to be mentioned 😂