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J-Mike16 last won the day on December 8 2024

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About J-Mike16

  • Birthday 09/06/2000

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    Lumberton Texas
  • Interests
    Watching YouTube, cooking, and of course band.

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  1. Yes, you are correct. UIL did used to only announce State advancers. I really dont think it was until 2020 that Areas started giving out all placements.
  2. Awesome!! Thank you.
  3. This needs to be moved to the UIL: Upcoming Contests topic. I have been wanting to start this conversation for a bit now as last year's results were not what everyone was thinking lol.
  4. I haven't finished watching The Woodlands yet, but I have NEVER seen judges flip out and stand up during a performance! I just love their show this year!
  5. oh wow! I saw prelims results and thought that was insane. Those Finals results are even crazier!
  6. I'm assuming you are referring to not able to look at contest results and the predictions from other people... When the last contest has ended for our game, we basically turn the game into silent mode til September 1st of the following year. The only thing you can do during that time is look at the previous years full rankings of the predictors.
  7. First time seeing that show.... I actually really liked it. I kind of pre-judged them just on the title of the show but I can see why they could absolutely take it this year. I've always been impressed in what they bring year after year. Not sure if they planned this but their final set was how they started their show last year. Could the two shows share something that most people wouldn't figure out?? (I honestly think I'm a little crazy and that the two shows are not tied together but you never know). Is there a video of The Woodlands out there?
  8. Ohhhhh my bad lol. Well that can apply too when I go there as well!
  9. I'm gonna have to screenshot this so in the future if/when I go to Grand Nationals, I can use this bit of knowledge XD
  10. The Final Sunset
  11. This is a tough question to try to answer because there are just so many amazing shows. However, the ones I continue to go back to over and over are.... (If there are any Avon lovers in here, here you go) Avon 2013 - Statuesque (Probably in my top 3 favorite shows of all-time. It is also the best show to not win Nationals.) Avon 2012 - Feast or Famine (This show helped fuel my love for marching band as I was in 6th grade beginner band that year.) Hebron 2021 - PenStriped (For obvious reasons that I don't need to go into) John B. Alexander 2018 - The Price of Progre$$ (Easily one of the most emotional shows ever. This show was ROBBED heavily. Absolutely deserved about 15 to 20 places higher) Richland 2007 - iShow (Holy cow this show was awesome! The opener music + drill is 🔥) North Shore 2016 - Muse (The entire band and staff knocked it out of the park with this show. Them making State Finals that year was 1000% accurate. They were truly one of the best in the State!) I can 100% bet yall that I left about 1 or 2..... or maybe more on the lines of 10 to 20 shows that also deserve to be mentioned 😂
  12. I noticed yesterday! Congratulations!!! 🙌
  13. South Forsyth is in Georgia. I mean if they go, that's cool! However, this is a Texas HS Band primary Forum site.
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