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Everything posted by jonathanbagley

  1. Thank you very much. I have reached out to her and am waiting for a reply.
  2. Hello everyone, I am a band director in South Georgia. I know, South Georgia isn't Texas, but I figured if I have a marching band question, where better to get the answer than a Texas band forum? This past Fall we mic'ed the pit for the first time. It went well and was exactly what our program needed. However, this year I am thinking about putting the pit in the back of the field (not the back sideline, but behind the band). I have seen some groups in the past that have put some or all of their pit behind the band and I believe it would solve many timing issues by having a stationary tempo source that everyone could listen back for. My question is this, what issues am I going to run into that may make this change more trouble than it is worth? I am trying to troubleshoot before making my final decision. I already know that I will need a generator, as I won't have access to the power sources at the front sidelines anymore, but we are planning on having one of those anyway due to power problems we ran into at some venues last year. Thank you for any advice and pros/cons you may have.
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