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Everything posted by FaultLineBlues

  1. Glad the percussion scores are better in finals after being a little wacky in prelims imo
  2. Maybe the real Pendulum Effect is Cedar Ridge's ability to swing back after a rough season? 🤔
  3. Hey, they say to leave it all on the field 🤔
  4. Really really solid run from Cedar Ridge imo. Felt like their BOASA runs left a little bit to be desired, but the energy was all there tonight, and it was awesome.
  5. John B Alexander has a show designed to make moms (and me) cry.
  6. Also, I think Vista has turned a show that I was just okay with into a vessel to go absolutely bonkers with playing quality and volume.
  7. Whoa, I didn't realize guard made up that significant of a percentage of the band.
  8. we gotta stop letting kids make accounts on the day of this contest lmao
  9. I think you're gonna have to alter that Pearland placement significantly
  10. Whoa, hadn't caught much of Coppell today, super super solid run. I'd have then in the top half of what I've seen so far.
  11. Hebron has some crazy crazy talented kids, man. I think (for prelims at least) that I give FloMo the slight edge, but that could be easily changed.
  12. I don't know if the show quite connected with me but holy MOLY is Flower Mound clean
  13. I didn't really mean for it to be an argument. I just think ballads are fun moments to play during, and my sister as a woodwind often complained about not being able to do so, so it's just a concern I've been more aware of recently. The flags definitely add a ton of effect and I imagine a lot of the woodwinds are having a lot of fun in the moment.
  14. It's definitely fun! I love the music side of it, I just think the woodwinds being shoved in the back feels weird to me. It happens in a lot of shows, but it's just stuck out to me in the times I've seen them this year.
  15. Agreed. Round Rock doing it with their entire woodwinds section during the ballad impact doesn't sit right with me, for some reason.
  16. just wanted to say your petscop profile pic is rad
  17. Area D Finals Results | Top 5 Advance (copied from hornrank) 10th - Churchill 9th - Bowie 8th - MG Johnson 7th - Westwood 6th - McNeil - Top Five Advance - 5th - Dripping Springs 4th - CT Johnson 3rd - Round Rock 2nd - Cedar Ridge 1st - Ronald Reagan
  18. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think Reagan is 100% a lock for first here. I got it at the ready. 😎
  19. ☚ī¸ I literally stopped the rain so I could be at this contest and didn't make it
  20. I'll throw my hat in the ring. 1. Cedar Ridge H.S., TX 2. James Bowie H.S., TX 3. Dripping Springs H.S., TX 4. Westlake H.S., TX 5. Timber Creek H.S., TX 6. Robert E. Hendrickson H.S., TX 7. Moe and Gene Johnson H.S., TX 8. Seven Lakes H.S., TX 9. Aledo H.S., TX 10. Keller Central H.S., TX 11. Sachse H.S., TX 12. Burleson Centennial H.S., TX And maybe I'm wrong on this, but I'll go for a Cedar Ridge caption sweep.
  21. It wasn't easy work, but someone had to do it. I stood outside with a dehumidifier for the past five days.
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