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Everything posted by BanderThanYou

  1. Hands down, roundrock. The dragons are so cool
  2. I know, I know, before the mob attacks me saying that this forum is for txbands, not their football teams, I am interested in how everyone's football teams are doing. Plus, when a school's football team is doing well, it brings more attention to the band, ultimately it all ties back to the band, right? I, for one, love sitting in the stands during football games and playing stand tunes. It's especially fun when our team is on the verge of winning and we're blasting our songs as loud as possible to cheer them on. How's everyone else's school's football team doing currently?
  3. I've noticed some 'extra'(not in a negative way) things bands are doing this year. Ex: - Ryan Reynolds endorsing James Bowie's band. (which was actually super cool, how did they do that) - CTJ's whataburger sponsorship on their front drop. #Whataband - Vandegrift's amazing drumline being feat. on flomarching - FloMo's flags this year has the bands of America logo Thoughts?
  4. That's what I've been asking to, isn't it this upcoming Saturday? Approximately when do predictions come out?
  5. I haven't seen any forums about the Texas all-state etudes/auditions, but for all the Texan students participating in the region and all-state process, what are your thoughts on the etudes for this year for all instruments?
  6. Yes, if I'm not mistaken, I believe all of the bands are doing a full retreat and playing Land of a 1000 dances. It will be interesting to hear how they all perform spread out over 100 yards!
  7. I officially made an account today, but I've been 'lurking' on txbands for about a year, starting around San Antonio Super Regionals last year. I always loved how everyone from current band kids, graduates, and parents came together and talked about everything and anything relating to band here. I'm excited to finally have an account and join in.
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