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Everything posted by t3hZm4n

  1. Great shows last night. I went to finals last night, and it was truly a great battle. I was a little disappointed that my old high school didn't make finals (Westwood), especially since they were 7 8 7 in music. I didn't get a chance to see their show, but I guess their marching must have been pretty darn bad for one of the judges to give them 29th in marching. Ah well, next time. The bands that were there were, for the most part, fantastic, and though I was as surprised as anyone about the results, all the bands did a great job. Congrats to all who made state!
  2. ^Wow, I joined the day after you. </random>
  3. Area D Auditions used to be at Baylor, and now we're at a freaking middle school. Good to know TMEA cares about us. haha
  4. Ugh I don't want Brickens picking the music ever again. The music is too easy, plain and simple. It's going to be 1000000x harder to make state than it was last year, because everyone at area is going to sound so unreasonably similar. I'm glad I made state last year, because a lot is going to have to go right for it to happen again this year.
  5. Yeah, while that's true when it comes to making region, that probably won't happen much on the area level, so it's still going to be really difficult to make state this year as compared to last year where my friend and I were able to breeze through area D... it'll be interesting this year, to say the least
  6. My music is coming along pretty well (tenor trombone). I'm really worried about this year though, since the music is so easy that it's proably going to be a lot more difficult for me to make state than it was last year, since more people will be able to sound decent on easy music, and it's a lot harder to judge musicality than it is to judge how many notes a player missed... Oh well, we'll see
  7. Westwood High School 2007- "Oriental Sketches"
  8. Hey, I know about y'all. Tell Billy, Summer, and JR that Zach says hi!
  9. Yeah, my lesson teacher (who was one of Brickens' students prior to getting his doctorate) says he understands why Brickens picked those pieces, but at the same time that they make for pretty crappy region music, and the judges probably won't be able to differentiate based on musicality, which completely defeats the purpose of the etudes...
  10. Ah, so that's what y'all were doing. You guys just started going after the game and we were like "whoa, what are they doing? wait... are they REHEARSING???" haha. Y'all seemed pretty good from our perspective though. And yeah, Westwood (2-2) is looking like it may end up the last place team in district this year, since the rest of the district just seems too strong. Even Stony Point, traditionally the last place team in the district, has been extremely impressive this year. Hopefully our offense will start executing so we can get back into the district race!!!
  11. Westwood- 5. The area realignment really hurt us. We were typically getting 10+ per year, but then we were put in an area with Coppell and Duncanville, which hurt all of us. Oh well
  12. I don't particularly like this year's music. The lack of technical difficulty is kind of a turnoff for me. Combine that with the fact that I'm having to spend lots of time on a college audition tape instead of practicing my region music, and I get the feeling I probably won't be making State again this year... =[
  13. IMO 14-5a is where it's at. Although there are no true powerhouses, it is the only district in the state in which every team has a winning record thus far this season. The 8 teams have a combined 5 losses, by an average of 4.7 points. If that's not the makings of a tough district, I don't know what is.
  14. Nah, outside of Carroll, it isn't too too bad IMO
  15. Westwood Warriors 2-1-0 Won last night against Temple 27-17 District 14-5a is gonna be ridiculously challenging this year, since every team in the district has a record of at least 2-1 so far. There really isn't a weak team in the district.
  16. I have the book in my possession, but I left it at school... I'll send an e-mail tomorrow if I remember.
  17. =[ Travis, you never did give me credit for the $15 I gave you at Village Inn...
  18. Bump for a new season. After last night's game, Westwood is now 1-0, beating Austin High 27-7
  19. Vote for Westwood! =D I was in the "Behind the Band" video for that group... I was actually the awesome person who said "the whole band is pumped and everyone's just like YES!" haha.
  20. DOUBLE AGREED! I went to his leadership camp on the Drum Major track, and he was amazing. Our school is in the middle of our leadership camp right now, where we work on teaching, team-building type things, and just leading in general and dealing with different scenarios as a leader. Oh, and this year we spent a long time talking about Freshman Initiation as well because of a fiasco last year with a bitchy parent that was trying to get me and some other section leaders thrown out of school >_>
  21. Man, my section is gonna be kinda weak this year. Sure, we have 3 returning all-staters, but the section keeps getting smaller and smaller, made even smaller by the fact that I'm a drum major. We had 35 trombones my freshman year, and now we're down to like 18 or 19 ;_;
  22. Actually, this book was the reason I DIDN'T go to DCI that day. I wanted to make sure I had peace and quiet as I read the last ever Harry Potter book ;_;
  23. After having read the book, I can confirm that the leaked epilogue I was talking about before was indeed real. I didn't particularly like it though, I think the last words of the final chapter made for a better ending than the epilogue did.
  24. 5's across the board (calc, comp sci AB, english, biology) Spanish score hasn't come in yet though
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