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Everything posted by LHSbandDad

  1. Very good insights on this podcast!!! I had not thought of the hotel logistics you described. Got me to wondering if all your logic and good points as to why San Antonio hotels are not staffed to handle BOA this year, then how would they be staffed to handle a UIL contest this year either? Plus the extra bus, parking, and fans in stands concerns you raised. Makes me think UIL state contests might not happen.
  2. So....in the worst case scenario that Grand Nationals is cancelled....does this mean that "The Eagle" will remain in Texas for another year and that Vandy will be a two year reigning champion??
  3. I am ashamed to say I do not know much about Bridgeland. Please tell us more about the current status of your band. BOA class? UIL class? Competition history? What major metro is this in? Thanks and good luck in 2020!!
  4. While I completely understand, I must admit, I was sad to see that there won't be two LISD schools in Indy again. Going with CP in 2016 and Vandy in 2019 was a treat for us and I am sure Vista will miss you guys there next year. Can't wait to see what next year looks like for you guys. I just hope your signature lines and spacing do not go away. That has always been my favorite part. I love how you guys can expand and shrink a group of kids while maintaining the diagonal spacing. I have never seen another band who does it as well as CP (other than Texas A&M) but I mean at the High School level.
  5. What does Area H look like now with the three LISD schools of Leander, Cedar Park and Rouse in it. Who else is in there at the 5A level? I lost track since we have been 6A the last few years.
  6. Great story!! Reminds me of BOA Austin a couple years ago I saw a kid in the pit who was in a wheelchair. I am no percussion expert but he seemed to be doing pretty good. Thank goodness for band directors who provide opportunities like this for everyone!!
  7. Just saw Ronald Reagan HS on the parade and thought they looked and sounded amazing!! I am wondering....how much does a trip like that cost? Do they use Music Travel Consultants (MTC) like we did for GN? How do you feed that many kids for that many days? I saw they were there on Monday so that makes this trip 4-5 days long so I am assuming there was some sight seeing too? Depending on the cost and logistics, I can see why a band would seriously consider this over GN since it costs $1,500 for Indy and no sight seeing!!
  8. Two Bands.... 1. Johnson HS from Buda!! They won Class A in Austin so I guess you could argue they have already broken out but it was their first year of existence so I am real anxious to see what Year #2 brings!! 2. Also, keep an eye on our LISD sister school Rouse HS!! Their first year in 3A last year they made some noise so I wonder if they will seriously challenge Cedar Park and Leander in 2020??
  9. How do schools afford to have "game uniforms" and "competition uniforms" (CTJ, Hebron, etc.) and/or have a new uniform each year (CTJ, LD Bell, etc.). Do the districts pay for it or is it taken out of the booster budget? As has been mentioned before LISD gives us new ones every seven years so I am curious how others get them more frequently?
  10. Is there a way to download your schools performance from Flo Marching? I just bought the subscription but am being told it only archives the visual and not the audio? If that is true then is there any possible way to ever get a copy of the Flo recording legally? I thought if I bought into Flo, I would get access. If you can't buy access from Flo then why are they going around and taking down posts of people who have posted what they are not posting? I am confused....
  11. Oh no!! This is such sad news!! I do not know the rules to correctly answer your question. I can tell you that marching season is the toughest of the two semesters, especially for a 9th grader, so you have made it through the toughest part. If it is not too late, I hope you can reconsider. My three kids have loved band (two played saxophone) so your story really hit home to me. Have you tried to talk to the director and work out the concerns? It is always so sad when I hear people that leave the band program. Most end up regretting it later. I hope you find a solution that works for you.
  12. So glad to be part of a great LISD school district!! Vandegrift - 2019 Grand National Champion Leander - 2019 Class 3A Grand National Champion Cedar Park - 2019 UIL 5A State Champ Vista Ridge - 2018 UIL 6A State Champ Rouse - 2018 BOA SA 2A Champ Glenn - 2019 BOA SA - 13th place 3A / 47th overall
  13. Waiting for semi final announcements in LOS and am wondering why we are 35 minutes in and all we have seen so far are sponsor awards and lots of back slapping!!?? With so many bands waiting for the performance times, call times and schedules tomorrow I have to wonder why MFA would intentionally drag this out so long!!??!!
  14. Way to save the best for last!! Awesome job on the Nerd in. You have done such a nice job of explaining the culture of Texas bands. Culture typically is a hard thing to identify and put your finger on in the business world but in the band world, you have such a talent of describing it and I hope we can all follow your advice!! We will miss you in Indy!!
  15. Just curious....had a 3A band ever won Grand Nationals or has it always been 4A?
  16. What a perfect stat to show how far the State of Texas and BOA SA has come in 10 years. 77.35 would have been 52nd place in 2019. Amazing progress from both Reagan and the entire state!!
  17. One of the highlights of the 2016 GN trip for me was seeing videos of the Leander and Cedar Park kids "high fiving" each other in the tunnels before their finals performances. What an awesome show of teamwork and LISD support. So glad you guys will be going with Vista next year and so glad we get to go with Vandy this year.
  18. Great stuff!! Looks like 2016 was a good year!! Bonus question.....do you know how many of these high scores belong to Texas bands? I know the 6th place score in 2016 belongs to Leander but other than that I do not know.
  19. No kidding!! I had all these things on my list to walk to and see inbetween performances (Canal area / War Memorials, etc.) but am rethinking that plan and looking at indoor museum options now. Not to mention the walks to / from the stadium. Brrrr......
  20. This is probably one of the best, well thought out, logical, everyone wins post I have ever read on this site. Well done!! I just hope MFA does something like this!!
  21. I found the daily schedule I was looking for. Also, FYI...looks like there are 90+ bands now.
  22. I see the detailed schedule is posted on the MFA website for Thursday and Friday prelims. In the past they have also posted a daily schedule for Saturday for when semis starts/ends, exhibition band times, and finals start/stop. Does anyone have that or know when it will be posted?
  23. Although the average score of finals went down slightly this year (92.49) the depth of the prelims scores was beyond amazing!!! 41 bands would have made St. Louis SR finals!!! 42 bands would have made Indy SR finals!!! 28 bands would have been in "Top Half" of both St. L and Indy finals!!! 12 bands scored high enough for 2018 GN Finals!!! Take a minute to digest all that. The field of this contest had enough quality bands to field THREE finals worthy Super Regional competitions (14 x 3) and an entire Grand Nationals finals (12) !!! PS - my original disclaimer described above applies!! :- )
  24. The difference is in 2016 we only had one week in between SA and GN and also had 6A State to deal with. This year we have two weeks and no state.
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