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Everything posted by LanghamCreekEuph

  1. Back in 2016, during Area Finals for Langham, one of the baritone saxes ruptured their appendix during the show and marched the rest of it. Pretty sure he collapsed after the performance.
  2. Yeah, lol, performing was ear piercing. You couldn’t hear yourself count, still no excuses for the performance we had PA mishap or not. Good luck to y’all in competition season, Tompkins band has a bright future!
  3. Also that day was the day I discovered this website and my first post was explaining what happened with Langham’s performance. So that day wasn’t all that bad for me.
  4. It was Langham, Bridgeland didn’t make area finals. Think they got like 12th in Prelims. I still remember the night like it was last night. First time anyone had seen head director ever cry while she told us about Milo Murphy’s law. Think it was the second ever time Langham didn’t make SMBC in school history. Are you in the Tompkins band?
  5. That’s pretty cool! Just realized that when you mentioned it.
  6. Director said we aren’t doing entire show for BOA because she wants a clean show and not a clean show and Movement 5. Gives us more time to clean though.
  7. I really like their show musically, marching is pretty solid too. I love the bassoon duet though! Could be another surprise band to sneak into finals.
  8. Going back to Katy Legacy is gonna bring some dark memories back, hopefully that’ll motivate us to give the crowd a performance we never got.
  9. Just when I think the excitement is going to settle, it goes up another level!
  10. And what about Cy Ranch too? I thought they would surely make finals.
  11. Finals Schedule: Grand Oaks - 6:15 PM Dickinson - 6:30 PM Jersey Village - 6:45 PM Clear Lake - 7:00 PM Clear Falls - 7:15 PM Clear Creek - 7:30 PM Pearland - 7:45 PM Dawson - 8:00 PM Clear Brook - 8:15 PM Westfield - 8:30 PM James E. Taylor - 8:45 PM Exhibition: Friendswood H.S. - 9:00 PM Finals Awards: 9:30 PM
  12. Question: I’ve never marched in a BOA contest since I’m only a sophomore and I was wondering something. Part of our show requires our metronome guy to be the drum major in the back field. Will we get points deducted for iffy conductor technique?
  13. I’m probably most excited to see them at BOA after last year’s amazing show.
  14. We just had an great run at the game, amazing bounce back from last week’s performance. Hopefully we can keep it up!
  15. Who will be attending the competition? If Langham doesn’t make finals, I’ll be there watching finals.
  16. I wouldn’t count Langham out either, with the new marching band director change the marching aspect of our show is looking quite solid. Only downside is that we are very inconsistent.
  17. Langham should have a completed show by BOA. That’s if weather holds up.
  18. How’s etudes going for everyone this year?
  19. I so wish I could be watching on FloMarching! Instead, I have to be at a football game that was supposed to be on Thursday but was rescheduled due to flooding. I’ll still keep up with the live blog every now and then during the game!
  20. Cy-Fair’s recent performance of Movement 1: https://youtu.be/2fJC_Bql9HA
  21. Here’s my top 10: 1. Ronald Reagan 2. The Woodlands 3. Seven Lakes 4. Oak Ridge 5. Westlake 6. Cy-Fair 7. Richland 8. Stephen F Austin 9. Brazoswood 10. Pearland Bubble: Westfield Dawson Westwood Clear Brook College Park
  22. I’m not from Falls but one of my best friends goes to Falls, I haven’t seen the show live but the design and music looks pretty solid. I won’t tell too much but I am worried that Langham Creek won’t beat them this year.
  23. Langham Creek High School will be attending Battle at The Berry on October 12th and Cypress Showcase Marching Festival on October 26th.
  24. This year at UIL Region Marching Competition, our band had a set where we had 6 straight diagonals so everyone was in a line and if you were out of it, it was obvious. So I’m the closest to the back sideline out of the whole band, so when we turn around, I’m the first person in the line. So like a not smart person, I’m thinking there’s no way I mess up the turn around so I’m not going to memorize the next dot. At the competition, I turned too wide, causing me to go off on my own. I don’t know I’m wrong because I don’t know the dot and from that angle, I see no marchers. Next, we march forward for 32 counts. After that, we turn around and start marching again. So I turn around and I’m 5 yards away from anyone on an island of my own, completely exposed and out of the line. However, I did recover pretty nicely but I did get a lot of talk from the people that I’m in line with. The directors didn’t call me out, but when we practiced that set at rehearsal later that day, the head director was standing next to my dot.
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