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About bandnerdbea

  • Birthday 01/13/1991

bandnerdbea's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. You're welcome! I only said it cuz its true!!!! luv bea
  2. yay! my favorite brass come from rowlett! luv bea
  3. but the good thing is, my current one is MUCH better than the one I had with that jerk logan.... he was such an idiot.... but a fairly good clarinet player.... o well.... too bad ill never meet you jake! its so sad! luv bea
  4. bet that made you happy.... maybe a little TOO happy.... luv bea
  5. TTR: drum major tryouts on friday & student council banquet on monday luv bea
  6. Thanks! I hope that I do good.... I cant wait until this is all over just so I know how it ends! I want to get it so bad but I dont want to be really sad when I dont get it! So confusing! O well.... Ill just see how it turns out! luv bea
  7. Oh my goodness! I just had my drum major interview with the band directors! I think I did pretty good.... I have camp today after school.... We shall see how it all goes down! luv bea
  8. yeah i know i have had my fair few! luv bea
  9. yeah! finally! i have been on here since OCTOBER & still on that level.... Thanks for helping me get there! luv bea
  10. yeah i know! i will! that should scare them enough! luv bea
  11. yeah i do now.... i was such an idiot.... o well im good now! luv bea
  12. right.... im sure.... i could so take them! u know i could! luv bea
  13. wow that is crazy.... yeah he was a jerk.... & remember how much i LOVED that song? o well.... luv bea
  14. oh my goodness.... no! i have a bf.... but i think it is so cool to meet someone that i have talked to on here for so long at my school! too bad i cant meet u at my school.... luv bea
  15. at school.... in the hallway in the pro tower.... with my eyes.... what lunch do you have? cuz i was on my way back from lunch.... this is so cool! its like a meetme at SCHOOL! luv bea
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