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Everything posted by PearlandTKA89

  1. im quite aware that it is september. ..and beginning of marching season.
  2. Pearland Band "Winter Sketches" Mvt. 1 'Winter Opener' Mvt. 2 'Sliegh Ride' Mvt. 3 'Snow Angels' Mvt. 4 'Blizzard' Music : Andrew Yozviak dunno if anyone has heard of it? Its great marching music... http://www.msconcepts.com/shows/show-detail.asp?showid=549 < that has the little recording thats all robot/computer like.
  3. I was very surprised at the results...cuz i had heard so much about CP being really awesome...and then the woodlands, wow! they were really good...but those tree trunks thingys took up too much space.. i wanted to see more drill..but over all, i was liek WOW!! great job. i was very impressed by all bands...it was a very compeitive Area...obvious reasons... . oh well.. i had fun
  4. do not feel bad... i felt like that today.. it was raining off and on... we were suppose to have practice inside.. we did... we went outside later... and people decide to leave practice like area is in 6 weeks or something! so we ended up canceling it... and plus, the air was ICKY!!! humidity was like 120 percent..it was awful.. but thank god for run throughs and late performance hope all goes well!
  5. oh well i meant.. in our generation.. lol... aka the 2000s? but yea, u have a point... i Predict any of the bands may go on.... Brazoswood Clear Brook The Woodlands The Woodlands College Park Spring Pearland Klein good luck to all !!!
  6. yea..andi think it was top 4? im thinkin Brazos, Clements, SFA and pearland (dont ask how i remembered that....)
  7. Yes that is true with the BOA comp. and what not... but isnt the judging totally different??? Have you noticed... Clearbrook has made BOA top 10 but has never made state (or at least not 2 years ago) Pearland has NEVER made BOA but always made state.... Iono about brazoswood but there good both ways... Its like BOA is 60% GE 40% marching or something and UIL judges totally opposite. BUT , you never know!!! im quite excited about this competiion.!!!! good luck to all
  8. hi martin and its *dominique. lol but yeha, im rather confused on how this advancing stuff works... but i hope its 5!!!
  9. i thought only 4 advance?
  10. ahhaha yeah I just went there.. i kinda get it....Ill just find out wednesday or something
  11. colored washer... thingys...
  12. Does any one know the Area F bands? I saw the list at the TMEA website... but I went to some of those bands websites (like woodlands, klein, etc) and they have a date set for the Area G contest...and im really confused... if anyone know for sure, thanks a bunch!!! -from Pearland HS band
  13. yes. ours our maroon and white and black.. i just changed the contrast of that pic...I kno lik 3 bands who have the same.. look like ours but jsut different color so i cant say anything *unique* about ours. lol
  14. ugh braces. I hate them. SO SO MUCH! So it was 8th grade , when I actually got ... so much better... Made region band , region orchestra... you know.and then I was getting ready for the big dogs... aka High School region.. and I go to the ortho and they say I need braces. For one, I didnt really need them but I didnt want to wait later on. So i got them my 9th grade year...It is a pain. I hate them. because your sound is all.. scratchy.. and blah. it was awful...Just keep it up. Ask your orthodonist if you can get them off earlier... Thats what I did. And when you get them off, practice long tones, tounging, and try to get your tone back! braces are the devil...
  15. I absolutely LOVED Ronald's when I saw them at BOA... The green looked really good and those hats... I love them! hahah
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