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Everything posted by Arabella

  1. Disney world this year, yeah!!
  2. Correction: Could ONCE play a mean trumpet. He had some sort of stomach problem for a while that stopped him from being able to practice, and he's not nearly as impressive as he once was. It's a sad thing. Now he just practices a lot of lip slurs. Still good at the technical aspect, but his tone has been a little weakened.
  3. I know what you mean, and thank you very much for the advice!
  4. Thank you so much for the kind words. Good luck with Mr. Hix, he's a character!
  5. Steven, I've thought this over very well. I think the good in this is that when we lead the band as students, the new directors will extremely appreciate it and be so thankful that we will get lots and lots of glorious letters of recommendation for college!
  6. Paschal just lost all three of our directors. We are screwed.
  7. Who here is going to the Highlander Jazz festival on May 10?
  8. I'm playing Two Insect Pieces by Britten!!
  9. Quite honestly during marching season, I feel more obligated to do my work than during concert season. I used to come home from practice and spend a couple of hours doing my homework, but now that I have free time it's kind of made me feel like I have an excuse to slack off. The only time marching season really conflicts with school is when you have a group project and can't find time to meet with a group of people to do it, but other than that it's totally fine!
  10. I'm super excited about Lincolnshire. And I'm pretty positive that we're doing Awayday, considering that every day we are told how good our program of Lincolnshire and Awayday will sound.
  11. I have actually never been fully injured, probably because I am super good at bouncing back/summersaulting whenever I trip or fall.
  12. It's an art, but being in the program feels like a sport- competitions, hours upon hours of practice..... We definitely earn the PE credit, that's for sure.
  13. I'm playing "two insect pieces" by Britten for oboe! I'm really excited about it. Hooray twentieth century! I'm also playing oboe in the ensemble "Scarlattiana". It's moderately cool.
  14. I want to do music education and teach elementary students wind instruments. I have a friend in Montana who started his instrument in fourth grade instead of the usual 6th that my friends and I started in, and he was an amazing saxophonist. I think it'd be cool if more elementary schools had wind programs, rather than just the basic elementary theory program-type things.
  15. Same to you! P.S. I am completely jealous that you are going to see animal collective AND devendra banhart!!
  16. I'm going to DCI in Dallas. Who's excited about starting marching season again?
  17. Wouldn't a glass reed break from the vibrations? Sounds dangerous.
  18. http://www.last.fm/user/young_liars/
  19. So this thread was dead for about two weeks, until I came along and decided to bring this back up... Apparently none of our previous librarians had done any work, other than make copies and pass out music. We didn't realize this until our band directors asked us to alphabetize ALL of the music. And by all of the music, I mean we had over 600 pieces. Thanks, former librarians!! The beautiful, alphabetized PHS library!! (Later we labeled where all the letters started and ended.)
  20. "Friend of the night"- mogwai
  21. Our football team very rarely wins. I think that in the years I've been at paschal, we've had maybe two wins? In my freshman and sophomore year. You guys probably know us, we're the team everyone plays for their homecoming game so they win and feel good about themselves? haha.
  22. I love final fantasy VII music, and I've printed off some piano sheet music this year that the double reeds (we are really nerdy) will play for our master classes I'm just using the treble for oboe and bass clef for bassoon. I'm excited!
  23. I just saw the movie last night in an IMAX theater. It was really cool, but I was really, really dizzy the whole time and after.
  24. ahhh I haven't gotten my AP scores yet, but I'm very nervous about my world history score. My teacher was really great (she's the one who teaches other teachers how to teach AP world history), but I soooo slacked off on studying. Also, is the AP music theory test really hard? I'm taking it next year. ----------------------------- Edit: Can anybody say 2?
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