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Everything posted by Grace

  1. Lost and Found +1 Uncharted Waters -1 Uncharted Waters 17 The 4th Dimension 29 On the Waterfront 41 Leonardo's Dream 40 Symphony of Silence 11 Sculpt 37 Polarity 26 Tremendous Sea of Love 32 Lost and Found 28 Loop 30 Pop! 26
  2. Lost and Found +1 Uncharted Waters -1 Uncharted Waters 20 The 4th Dimension 28 On the Waterfront 41 Leonardo's Dream 40 Symphony of Silence 11 Sculpt 37 Polarity 27 Tremendous Sea of Love 30 Lost and Found 26 Loop 30 Pop! 27
  3. Lost and Found +1 Uncharted Waters -1 Uncharted Waters 21 The 4th Dimension 27 On the Waterfront 40 Leonardo's Dream 39 Symphony of Silence 12 Sculpt 37 Polarity 27 Tremendous Sea of Love 30 Lost and Found 27 Loop 30 Pop! 26
  4. Lost and Found +1 Uncharted Waters -1 Uncharted Waters 22 The 4th Dimension 27 On the Waterfront. 39 Leonardo's Dream 39 Symphony of Silence 13 Sculpt 37 Polarity 26 Tremendous Sea of Love 30 Lost and Found 27 Loop 29 Pop! 27
  5. Uncharted Waters -1 Lost and Found +1 Uncharted Waters 23 The 4th Dimension 26 On the Waterfront 39 Leonardo's Dream 37 Symphony of Silence 15 Sculpt 36 Change is the Only Constant 4 Polarity 26 Tremendous Sea of Love 29 Lost and Found 25 Loop 30 Pop! 26
  6. Uncharted Waters -1 Lost and Found +1 Uncharted Waters 22 The 4th Dimension 26 On the Waterfront 38 Leonardo's Dream 37 Symphony of Silence 15 Sculpt 36 Change is the Only Constant 5 Polarity 26 Tremendous Sea of Love 28 Lost and Found 26 Loop 31 Pop! 26 (corrected from 36)
  7. Uncharted Waters -1 Lost and Found +1 Uncharted Waters 23 The 4th Dimension 26 On the Waterfront 37 Leonardo's Dream 36 Symphony of Silence 16 Sculpt 36 Change is the Only Constant 6 Polarity 25 Tremendous Sea of Love 28 Lost and Found 26 Loop 30 Pop! 27
  8. Uncharted Waters -1 Lost and Found +1 Uncharted Waters 26 The 4th Dimension 26 On the Waterfront 34 Leonardo's Dream 36 Symphony of Silence 16 Sculpt 35 Change is the Only Constant 8 Polarity 25 Tremendous Sea of Love 27 Lost and Found 25 Loop 30 Pop! 27
  9. Lost and Found +1 Loop -1 Uncharted Waters 27 The 4th Dimension 26 On the Waterfront 34 Leonardo's Dream 36 Symphony of Silence 16 Sculpt 35 Change is the Only Constant 9 Polarity 25 Tremendous Sea of Love 27 Lost and Found 25 Loop 30 Pop! 25
  10. Lost and Found +1 Unchartered Waters -1 All Hallows Eve 9 One Love 9 En Pointe 8 Twist Fate 7 Unchartered Waters 13 Flashdance 1 The 4th Dimension 15 On the Waterfront 15 Leonardos Dream 19 In the Garden of Cosmic Speculation 7 Just Another Brick 6 Sense of Direction 6 Steadfast Tin Soldier 5 Proddigy 12 Fractured Moments 10 Us and Them 11 Testament 9 Symphony of Silence 15 Sculpt 19 Forest Thru the Trees 16 The Wanderer 8 Change is the Only Constant 7 Synapse 11 Polarity 5 Tremendous Sea of Love 9 Lost and Found 14 Endeavor 13 Loop 17 Pop 17
  11. Lost and Found +1 Sculpt -1 All Hallows Eve 9 One Love 8 En Pointe 8 Twist of Fate 7 Unchartered Waters 13 Flashdance 4 The 4th Dimension 14 On the Waterfront 15 Leonardos Dream 18 In the Garden of Cosmic Speculation 6 Just Another Brick 6 Sense of Direction 6 Steadfast Tin Soldier 5 Proddigy 12 Fractured Moments 9 Us and Them 10 Testament 9 Symphony of Silence 15 Sculpt 20 Forest Thru the Trees 16 The Wanderer 8 Change is the Only Constant 9 Synapse 10 Polarity 5 Tremendous Sea of Love 9 Lost and Found 18 Endeavor 13 Loop 16 Pop 17
  12. Only one to two days more tops! Looks like it will be a photo finish.
  13. Leander +1 Ronald Reagan -1 LD Bell -1 Leander 23 LD Bell 2 Reagan 19
  14. Leander +1 LD Bell -1 Reagan -1 Leander 25 LD Bell 8 Reagan 19 Richland 6
  15. Reagan - Leander + LD Bell - Leander 25 LD Bell 14 Reagan 23 Richland 14
  16. Leander +1 The Woodlands -1 Ronald Reagan -1 Leander 25 LD Bell 18 The Woodlands 1 Reagan 27 Richland 16
  17. Woodlands - Reagan - Leander + Leander 27 LD Bell 19 The Woodlands 11 Reagan 27 Richland 19
  18. Leander +1 The Woodlands -1 Reagan -1 Leander 29 LD Bell 21 The Woodlands 14 Reagan 30 Richland 20
  19. Leander +1 Reagan -1 LD Bell -1 Leander 29 LD Bell 23 The. Woodlands 19 Ronald Reagan 33 Richland 19
  20. I kept just the -1 from Magma31651's post as it's unsure what the + should be. Here are my totals with my vote. Magma31651 can post again with just a +1 and a -1 to finish their input for the day. Leander +1 Ronald Reagan -1 Richland -1 Leander 31 LD Bell 28 The. Woodlands 26 Ronald Reagan 32 Richland 25
  21. Leander +1 Ronald Reagan -1 Richland -1 Leander 33 LD Bell 28 The Woodlands 29 Ronald Reagan 31 Richland 25 Cedar Park 4
  22. *****RULE CHANGE!!!************************************** Okay starting 3/30/19 until 4/13/19 you can vote +1 and -2 and bands but the -2 has to be for different bands. For example, Leander +1, Richland -1 and Cedar Park -1 Copy this on your posts to let other people know ************************************************************* Reagan - Richland - Leander + Leander 36 L.D. Bell 33 The Woodlands 36 Ronald Reagan 35 Richland 31 Cedar Park 7
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