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Everything posted by Tke123

  1. Not a grandma and I’m not With that school -but I was with an Neisd school- and you voted against them almost every time. I think I even voted for ctj. But that’s fine I don’t need to play your game anymore.
  2. The wanderer -1 Sense of Direction-1 All Hallows Eve 10 One Love 8 En Pointe 8 Twist of Fate 6 Uncharted Waters 13 The 4th Dimension 14 On the Waterfront 16 Leonardo's Dream 21 In the Garden of Cosmic Speculation 7 Just Another Brick 5 Sense of Direction 4 Steadfast Tin Soldier 4 Proddigy 12 Us and Them 11 Testament 9 Symphony of Silence 16 Sculpt 18 The Forest Thru the Trees 15 The Wanderer 9 Change is the Only Constant 7 Synapse 11 Polarity 8 Tremendous Sea of Love 8 Lost and Found 15 Endeavor 14 Loop 17 Pop 17
  3. Symphony of Silence +1 4th Dimension-1 All Hallows Eve 9 One Love 8 En Pointe 8 Twist of Fate 7 Unchartered Waters 13 The 4th Dimension 14 On the Watrerfront 16 Leonardos Dream 21 In the Garden of Cosmic Speculation 7 Just Anothe rBrick 5 Sense of Direction 6 Steadfast Tin Soldier 5 Proddigy 12 Us and Them 11 Testament 9 Symphony of Silence 16 Sculpt 18 The Forest Thru the Trees 15 The Wanderer 8 Change is the Only Constant 7 Synapse 11 Polarity 6 Tremendous Sea of Love 8 Lost and Found 15 Endeavor 13 Loop 18 Pop 17
  4. Pop+1 Lost and Found-1 All Hallows Eve 9 One Love 9 En Pointe 8 Twist Fate 7 Unchartered Waters 14 Flashdance 2 The 4th Dimension 15 On the Waterfront 15 Leonardos Dream 19 In the Garden of Cosmic Speculation 7 Just Another Brick 6 Sense of Direction 6 Steadfast Tin Soldier 5 Proddigy 12 Fractured Moments 10 Us and Them 11 Testament 9 Symphony of Silence 15 Sculpt 19 Forest Thru the Trees 16 The Wanderer 8 Change is the Only Constant 7 Synapse 11 Polarity 5 Tremendous Sea of Love 9 Lost and Found 12 Endeavor 13 Loop 17 Pop 17
  5. Just another brick +1 Lost and Found -1 All Hallows Eve 9 One Love 8 En Pointe 8 Twist of Fate 7 Unchartered Waters 13 Flashdance 4 The 4th Dimension 14 On the Waterfront 15 Leonardos Dream 18 In the Garden of Cosmic Speculation 7 Just Another Brick 7 Sense of Direction 6 Steadfast Tin Soldier 5 Proddigy 12 Fractured Moments 10 Us and Them 10 Testament 9 Symphony of Silence 15 Sculpt 18 Forest Thru the Trees 17 The Wanderer 8 Change is the Only Constant 9 Synapse 10 Polarity 5 Tremendous Sea of Love 9 Lost and Found 16 Endeavor 13 Loop 16 Pop 17
  6. One love +1 Lost and found-1 All Hallows Eve 9 One Love 10 En Pointe 8 Twist of Fate 8 Unchartered Waters 12 Flashdance 6 The 4th Dimension 13 On the Waterfront 14 Leonardo's Dream 18 And Then I Saw the Sky 1 In the Garden of Cosmic Speculation 5 Just Another Brick 5 Sense of Direction 6 Steadfast Tin Soldier 6 Proddigy 10 Fractured Moments 9 Us and Them 10 Test4ment 9 Symphony 15 Sculpt 20 Forest Through the Trees 18 The Wanderer 8 Change is the Only Constant 8 Synapse 10 Polarity 5 Tremendous Sea of Love 9 Lost and Found 17 Endeavor 13 Loop 14 Pop 17
  7. All Hallows’ Eve 1 Lost and Found -1 All Hallows Eve 9 One Love 7 En Pointe 8 Twist of Fate 8 Unchartered waters 12 Flashdance 7 The4th Dimension 12 On the Waterfront 14 In the Garden of Cosmic Speculation 5 Just Another Brick 5 Sense of Direction 6 SteadfastTin Soldier 6 Proddigy 9 Fractured Moments 9 Us and Them 10 Testament 10 Symphony 15 Sculpt 22 Forest Thru the Trees 18 The Wanderer 8 Change is the Only Constant 7 Synapse 10 Polarity 5 Tremendous Sea of Love 8 Lost and Found 19 Endeavor 13 Loop 14 Pop 17 Leonardos Dream 18 And The I Saw the Sky 3
  8. NEISD also includes Churchill, another Grand Nationals regular as well as Macy’s participant.
  9. Thank you for the information. I had heard of that contest but didn’t realize it was hosted by Roosevelt. Do you know if CTJ, Churchill, Reagan or Madison have ever attended? I know there are a lot of Saturday games this year for NEISD. I hope they find a weekend for their contest.
  10. I know TMC is Austin. I Thought HEB was DFW. It would be nice to have a local SA contest that would support an area band. It would probably need to be an NEISD band to draw competition. It’s hard to say what the district would say since they already have the Fall Festival- but that’s free and on a week night.
  11. I am unfamiliar with non BOA San Antonio local competitions since our band doesn’t attend any. Are there many BOA bands that attend these?
  12. They could probably hold it at Heroes Stadium. It’s big enough for UIL.
  13. It could work. Possibly put it on the same weekend as Austin. Currently the DFW and Houston are the same weekend and they are full.
  14. Leander - Reagan + LD Bell - Leander 21 Reagan 21
  15. Reagan+1 LD Bell -1 Leander-1 Leander 19 LD Bell 5 Reagan 24 Richland 4
  16. Leander - Reagan + Richland- Leander 22 LD Bell 12 Reagan 22 Richland 9
  17. Reagan + Leander - Richland- Leander 24 LD Bell 15 Reagan 24 Richland 14
  18. The Woodlands- Leander - Reagan + Leander 25 LD Bell 19 The Woodlands 4 Reagan 29 Richland 16
  19. Leander 25 LD Bell 19 The Woodlands 8 Reagan 29 Richland 18 Reagan + Leander - TWHS -
  20. Leander - Bell - Reagan + Leander 28 LD Bell 20 The Woodlands 14 Reagan 31 Richland 20
  21. Leander 28 LD Bell 24 The. Woodlands 19 Ronald Reagan 34 Richland 19 Leander -1 Reagan +1 The Woodlands-1
  22. Leander -1 Reagan +1 The Woodlands-1 Leander 27 LD Bell 27 The. Woodlands 23 Ronald Reagan 34 Richland 25
  23. Leander -1 Reagan +1 Cedar park -1 Leander 32 LD Bell 28 The Woodlands 29 Ronald Reagan 32 Richland 25 Cedar Park 3
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