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BandFan95 last won the day on September 17 2021

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  1. Dang! That’s terrible. It would have been terrible for either one. Best of luck to them!
  2. Is said school near a lake? Or near a mill?
  3. How is Westwood this year? Now that I don't live close by I know nothing
  4. Who knows really. It may change because it's not like it was published intentionally.
  5. Last year, it was around the end of March
  6. Yeah..kinda hard to not vote for Auburn. That drill and concept with the lights was awesome
  7. UIL Realignment is just around the corner. I have no idea what the cutoffs are going to be, but it does look like some schools will be moving up and down yet again. Here is what was submitted to UIL in October https://www.uiltexas.org/files/alignments/Enroll_all_24_26.pdf?fbclid=IwAR30v3XpMzOONL3rBlbgSh313p6L-3x-FbmPLtun4xbZnKP4YQTzzCJkt-I
  8. Holy crap! His problem isn't the guard. The guard at Round Rock is fantastic.
  9. This too. Yeah, this is ALL hard. I mean, didn't both Westwood and Cedar Ridge beat Bowie at Area and BOA Austin?
  10. Didn't Westwood place 16th at State, 20th at BOA SA, and not to mention finishing 3rd at BOA St. Louis? Just wondered why they were left off
  11. I think I heard someone WEST may be going next year. But then again I could have been dreaming that.
  12. Really loved Leander ISD's shows this year. Of course, I love them every year. Those schools have always been so supportive of RRISD schools and vice versa. I remember when I first moved to NW Austin and saw the Cedar Park band, I was so blown away! Congrats again. Can't wait for Glenn to get up there and have ALL of LISD blowing everyone away.
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