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    Mansfield TX

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  1. This is the best I've heard this explained. This is why, as Summit parents, we were disappointed to get an early draw at both BOA Waco AND State in San Antonio (they went 3rd) . I really think it affects the bands, in addition to the scoring.
  2. You got the first five correct. 👍🏼
  3. Yes, we all are, I think! 😊 If you could dm them, please do. Thx!
  4. Really sad Summit didn't make it. Maybe next year. 😢
  5. This is the content I'm here for! That's really sweet!
  6. I'm just so proud, of course I had to shed a few tears. Summit was awesome and I got to see my son on their way out and give him a little kiss. 😭❤️
  7. 😂😂Which school?
  8. Headed to San Antonio in just a bit! So excited!
  9. I must say, I'm so proud and a little melancholy, because my son has only state left, and then he's done (except for football playoffs). I'm a little teary eyed, both in a proud way and a sad way. ❤️❤️
  10. OK, then were there any bands that didn't make finals tonight that are going to state on Monday? (just curious)
  11. What is Aledo's ballad called? It's just beautiful!
  12. So who has a great memory and knows which bands out of this group of 12 are going to 5A State on Monday?
  13. So we can't assume where they were ranked after prelims, we just know that they were either in top half or bottom half?
  14. How do you know Summit was in the top six? Are there score sheets out?
  15. What does "first band of the top half" mean, if you don't mind me asking? Aren't they assigned random performance order?
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