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Everything posted by Quadmom68

  1. Thanks, I appreciate the info and what to expect! I rented a hotel room, and now we wait to see if my husband can get off work. I'm excited!
  2. We did find out Summit's performance time at state was 9:30 am, so I'm not so sure about Waco. I think they're talking about leaving the night before. 🤷‍♀️
  3. I wonder if any state bound 5A bands are going to go. They have to turn around and leave for San Antonio the following Monday. And if they have an early call time in SA, they might have to leave Sunday night. That makes for a lot of tired kids.
  4. I've only seen one school act that way consistently this year. I mean, they do win a lot, but time and again, no clapping for other bands? Teaches kids the wrong ideals about sportsmanship.
  5. Howard is a feeder for Mansfield Summit and Mr Nugent really had an impact with them placing third tonight and advancing to state for the first time! Howard also went to the Midwest Clinic (along with Summit) when my son was in 8th grade there. He brought his assistant, Ms Hitz, for the middle school that feeds to Rock Hill, so they should be great for a while!
  6. Pretty sure that's my son's former Jr High instructor! He is amazing.
  7. Can any parents summarize what to expect if we decide to make the trip to San Antonio? It really depends on if my husband can take those days off, but for someone who has never been, any tips would be greatly appreciated!
  8. Thank you, Dave, for doing this!
  9. Oh, absolutely! It's just that Highland Park has now beaten us at TWO competitions this year. It's just a really great area for 5A this year and my son is a senior, so he can't compete much longer (one more BOA and state). They've for SURE had a great year! I'm beaming with pride. 😊
  10. It really is a good feeling. Reading about all the other really, really, good bands that have advanced, I'll consider it a true victory if Summit lands in the top half.
  11. How do we find out where the bands were after prelims?
  12. I really was shocked at Legacy's placement. They sounded fantastic!
  13. I do know that Summit also doesn't march about 10-15 freshman, so I guess it depends on where you're getting those numbers.
  14. How did you find those out already? I would love to know.
  15. Summit is very small. I think Summit and Legacy have about the same size band.
  17. We were shocked, too. Can they get a penalty for starting too soon? I noticed a lot of bands did that, but I think they started earlier than most.
  18. The suspense is killing me! 😂
  19. Brewer was really unique and I liked it a lot! Great percussion!
  20. We heard Grapevine's closer in the parking lot and it was the same song Summit used as their closer 2 years ago. It's a beautiful piece, I wish I knew the name of it.
  21. It's so hot, we could only watch Summit, Midlothian and Legacy, before retreating to the car. But they all sounded great!
  22. I didn't think you were feuding with me, because I don't know enough about the technicalities of marching band to really understand the scoring, what judges are looking for, etc... I think my confusion about the place jump from prelims to finals was because I thought prelim scores carry over, and in my mind, it would be difficult to jump that much. But you have to know that when you structure your response almost exactly like mine, that does indicate, at least to me, a little snotiness as to how I am not familiar with all the ins and outs of band competitions. No feuding on my part at all. I'm just here to learn and listen to other's opinions on all the fabulous bands we see week in and out.
  23. I was watching the full band video and honestly, I couldn't really see the details of the look of the show, and I even had my glasses on. But the music was really good.
  24. I just saw y'all's video at Birdville and it was just fantastic! I especially enjoyed the Walk Like an Egyptian segment. ❤️
  25. That may be, but it does look a little weird when ALL of your names start the same, unique way that an established user has used for years. And you have to know that when ALL of your predictions have the same 2 bands in the exact same places, that also looks weird. And then there's this, which I don't think @viewfromthebox would appreciate. Really? Just swapping 2 letters? That's not even clever.
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