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Everything posted by Quadmom68

  1. Well, I know that lots of people here talk highly about Aledo! Y'all should do very well! Good luck! 😊
  2. I also noticed that all 5 of the "View From the" accounts that were created recently have predicted Legacy in 4th and Summit in 5th. The other predictions in their lists are similar, but all five of those accounts predicting Legacy and Summit in the same spots? Hmmmm. Seems a little off, if you ask me. And when I tag @ViewFromTheBox, TEN "View From the" accounts drop down. That's ALSO a little off. Put all these factors together and it really seems a LOT off. Especially when one of the accounts mimics the actual structure of your post to post back to you that they really favor Legacy over Summit.
  3. Well, now I KNOW that View From the Box is the OG (and a great poster) when it comes to "View From the" screen names, but now there are at least FIVE different "View From the" accounts showing in the predictions. All created super recently. That's truly puzzling. 🤔 Ahem.
  4. Summit isn't attending because they're now 5A and it's area finals on the same day. I'm not sure about the other schools. Were they 6A in 2019 and are now 5A?
  5. And I *think* Summit's kid was an alternate at state last year! One spot away - so close and yet so far away! 😉
  6. Four places also sounds like a huge jump, at least to me. Can anyone tell us if this is commonplace or does it rarely happen? In 2018, I think Summit made 9th in area finals in 6A, and in 2013 they were 9th in Area D. I'm not sure if they've ever advanced to state, but I know they haven't the previous 3 years. (minus one due to Covid) I would love to see BOTH Summit and Legacy advance on Saturday, as well as any other MISD school! If Summit can't advance, I'll cheer just as loudly (well, maybe not QUITE as loudly 😊) for Legacy as I would for Summit. I know you said you were new to this particular blog, but you don't sound new to the ins and outs of marching band. I actually am. I was genuinely asking if going from 7th to 4th is a big leap because I don't know. I wasn't trying to crap on Legacy at all, and your reply, structured exactly like mine, makes me think that you thought I was. 🤔
  7. I think many people thought the scoring was wonky at Mansfield POC. If memory serves, it was a shocker to see Martin finish so low. There was an audible gasp in the stadium as that was announced. Not to take anything away from Legacy, (because honestly, I haven't seen them again since POC) I do know that POC was a first contest, ever, for a big chunk of kids at Summit and the band has gotten smaller, all while steadily improving and getting 2nd at Midland BOA and 4th at McKinney, after rising THREE spots from prelims standings. I'm a newbie at following marching band, really, (just found this blog in 2019 and I honestly don't understand a lot of the jargon and acronyms) but isn't that a pretty large leap? From 7th after prelims to 4th overall? Of course, from what I've learned here, I'm pretty sure their show leans towards BOA scoring. Someone please let me know if I'm wrong. I do think that, in the last 4 years (my son is a senior) this is the BEST year, visually and general effect-wise that I've seen from Summit. Such creative props, with a giant pinball rolling around the field. Year before last was pretty good too with their "Last Ones" show and percussion having a part using djembe drums. Of course musically, they always sound great to me, and they've made huge strides the last 3 and ½ years with Mr Kanicki pushing them to be their best!
  8. Sounds familiar. The Mansfield POC results were surprising as well.
  9. Highland Park has won every contest they've been in this year that Summit has participated in (2 so far) AND taken most, if not all, captions. They're really good.
  10. What does it mean if their school name is in bold?
  11. Side note, WFAA channel 8 was at Summit this morning to promote the game tonight, and drumline and about a third of the rest of the band was there, along with the drill team and cheerleaders. The camera man must be a fan of drumline, because they were actually featured a LOT. My poor son had to be there at 4:30 am, has a pep rally today and will be at the game tonight. He's going to be exhausted. (they really should have used more of the band, because as it was, it appeared that Summit had an even smaller band than they already have). I got loads of great pictures and video!
  12. I'm so glad Summit has an afternoon time. They tend not to do as well when they have morning prelims. (only in my limited experience)
  13. We're going to try and make it! Summit football has been really good this year (except when we played the respective state Champs in Oklahoma and Texas)!
  14. I'm here, waiting for Summit!
  15. I'm still probably a newbie to understand the difference between between scoring for BOA and scoring for UIL. Can someone explain it in a nutshell?
  16. I'm just so thrilled that Summit jumped from seventh to fourth overall! I didn't think that much of a jump was possible! Proud mom here! ❤️
  17. Summit typically doesn't place as highly when they have a morning prelims. I thought they sounded fabulous and probably deserved better than 7th in prelims. It was so hot, I didn't get a chance to hear bands I haven't heard yet this year, though Rockwall sounded pretty nice. Highland Park seems to win every contest that I go see.
  18. Windy today! Got here just in time for Summit and they sounded great!
  19. Summit dominated. They won 40-16. It was a great game and the band sounded great!
  20. Why isn't this competition on the predictions page? Do we have to create the event or does the website add it? I tried, but it said it was too close to the event.
  21. I hope they can be in the discussion since this is my son's senior year. ?
  22. An UMBRELLA is the most important thing. We actually broil without them. And sunscreen if you're fair skinned. Also, I'm pretty sure they have a clear bag policy. I think all stadiums have that now.
  23. Gosh! Look at all the bands that are considered top bands NOW that are near the bottom of that contest! Just goes to show things can turn around quickly.
  24. I agree. Of course, I'm biased for Summit, but I do know others in Mansfield sound pretty good!
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