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Everything posted by justin0957

  1. Does anyone have a video of Hebron’s performance?
  2. Best general effect: Leander Best visual: Ronald Reagan Best music: Vandegrift Best visual concept: Ronald Reagan Best show idea/concept: Claudia Taylor Johnson Best solo: Vista Ridge Best feature: Ronald Reagan's Brass Feature In 2nd Movement Best musical selection: Leander: Britney Spear's Toxic Most innovative show: The Woodlands Most original concept: Flower Mound Best crowd appeal: The Woodlands Most underrated: John B. Alexander Most improved: L.D. Bell OR Pearland Best colorguard: Ronald Reagan Best pit: Claudia Taylor Johnson Best drumline: Leander Best brass: Hebron Best woodwinds: Claudia Taylor Johnson Best prop: Vista Ridge's Mandarins Spin Prop OR Vandegrift's Blue Props Best uniforms: Vandegrift Best guard uniforms: Claudia Taylor Johnson Best overall pre-show: Leander Best overall opener: Claudia Taylor Johnson Best overall ballad: Hebron Best overall closer: Leander
  3. Predictions for BOA 2019 San Antonio. *These predictions are made from watching all of these shows, and analyzing trends on how these bands have been performing in past competitions. These predictions may or may not be correct.* 1st. Ronald Reagan HS 2nd. Flower Mound HS 3rd. Vandegrift HS 4th. Hebron HS 5th. Leander HS 6th. Claudia Taylor Johnson HS 7th. Vista Ridge HS 8th. The Woodlands HS 9th. Marcus HS 10th. Keller HS 11th. James Bowie HS 12th. Cedar Park HS *********************************** FINALS 13th. Lake Travis HS 14th. Cedar Ridge HS 15th. Coppell HS **These 3 listen above will most likely fight for a place in finals, but any of the unlisted bands can be in those spots.
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