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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. One more for kicks: Vanguard 1996 This one isn't ridiculous. But it's an amazing picture.
  2. Ok man, my roomate got this a few days ago, I'm going to do it too. Well, the freebird one, I don't have the time to beat the game. BRB! edit.: You're going down Dan. editedit: I think up to section J is enough for one night. Man, that game is addicting.
  3. Press release here Germany, Italy and The Netherlands! Woooo, I can't wait.
  4. I didn't do anything for my 17th birthday. Or my 18th. I think my parents made me a cake.
  5. Our 2005 show: Intro: 200 Opener: 176/186/192 (give or take a number) Ballad: 80something (marched double time) Closer 200/216 That show was way harder than drum corps.
  6. "Fetus" at The Cadets started at 14 I believe. Rebeckah Terry marched Crossmen 97-05. I believe she was 13.
  7. I love every SCV show I've ever heard (I've seen/heard a good majority of them). My favorite shows to watch, any day of the week.
  8. Academy is in finals. Count on it. From the APDs I've heard of them... they absolutely blew me away. They didn't have any competition in Div II, glad to see them moving up.
  9. Man, if I had caught the show title, it would have made MUCH more sense when I watched it.
  10. That was scary as heck man. I've been equally scared watching many horror movies. Just imagine those things slowly rising up. There were MANY screams of terror and gasps from the crowd. Unreal. Is this the biggest "flying tarp" in a marching band show? It's close, but I think it tops the flag in SCV's 1991 Miss Saigon show.
  11. So? Ronald Reagan has synthesizers, but I don't think Crossmen will have synthesizers.
  12. Still the worst judging I've ever seen was SFA in the 2004 prelims. One judge gave us 3rd place in music, another gave us dead last. It makes me laugh.
  13. If you really want to do it, I'd decide very quickly.
  14. Well, you know what they say about people with long reviews...
  15. I don't think it will have much of an effect in placement actually. Part 5 doesn't consist of a ton of marching or playing, it's just theatrical (for lack of a better word). The kind of stuff that gets emotion across and GE scores through the roof, but nothing that a UIL judge would really care about. It is REALLY cool though.
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