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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. Well, I have about 56 gigs of normal music. (about 10ish gigs got mysteriously deleted somehow a while back) about 4 gigs of dci mp3s So at one point I had about 70 gigs of mp3s, and I'm getting more all the time. I suppose whenever I start getting my video collection back to what it was, I'd put some of those on there too. That's what I would do with an 80gig ipod.
  2. I didn't march Crown this year. And no, I don't plan on going back to Crossmen. I was offered an alternate position for Cavaliers last year, and I hope to get a spot this year. Plus, I don't really know anyone there anymore, I'm sure that very few '04 vets are still around. Are you someone I know?
  3. Man, I wish I had room on my ipod for some marching shows. I've got a 20 gig, and it's been full since I got it last Christmas. I need an 80 gig.
  4. Not really a bus "ride", but it's the most fun I've had on a bus. This summer, at DCI Championships, we spent a solid 2 hours of semifinals night, not at the stadium, but in the bus. We had one guy on the outside luring people (mostly members of the Blue Stars) to walk past our bus, and whenever they did, 5 of us would pop open the window and scream at the top of our lungs. The reactions of some were utterly priceless.
  5. Good luck, I hope your band does its best. I'm sorry that he made such comments on his tape, how inconsiderate of him. Yeah, Elvis didn't even write his own music. What a tool. I would hate to have to judge assholes, that's pretty gross.
  6. Heh, I could just see on the video, they make one of those boxes in the corner of the screen that just shows the garbage truck. That would be so funny, I'd buy it.
  7. How can you "bet" on anyone winning? Shows haven't been announced yet. The first competition isn't for another SEVEN MONTHS! Ridiculous. Speaking of which, what did you find so ridiculous about The Cadets's show last year? What consitutes a "real" show in your opinion?
  8. LD Bell's uniforms are the ultimate in badassery. And they work with black AND white pants. Genius.
  9. Yeah, the crash of the dumpster totally came right at the point when everyone in the band falls over. Genius. It'll be tough to get that thing through the airlock in Indy though, so it's not something they can rely on. Also, I too appreciated the irony of the "Trinity" on the truck.
  10. A couple years ago I had 60+ gigs of videos, for example: every cavies vid, every star, every crossmen etc etc. I had to delete all of them for space on the family computer though. I still have audio though: 72-05 for many corps.
  11. So true. I had a moment like that today. I was all engaged in the rehearsal for some reason, and had a lot of energy, and it went by so much faster than usual. Also, today is the best that I've played french horn since before I did drum corps for the summer. The two are probably related.
  12. Everyone has this happen. I can't really put it in words how to not do it. Try to use a more focused airstream, and maybe don't let your lips seperate as much when trying to play. Don't just try and play loud by pushing as much air as possible, you have to control it as well. The only way to really figure out how to stop it is trial and error. Basically... Practice!
  13. Essentially, mellophone is just an F trumpet. Kind of like how you use C trumpets in orchestra. There really isn't any similiarity at all between mellophone and french horn actually, besides both being brass instruments.
  14. After G it goes A-Bb-B-C. No G#
  15. I dunno, SFA's drill has a lot of files. That could play a big role in the visual scores. /sarcasm ...or am I being sarcastic?
  16. I think it's a lot worse in DCI though. As the season progresses, there's more and more pressure to keep corps "slotted" beneath corps that have been consistantly beating them. If you want to jump, it's best to do it early on. There aren't enough competitions in marching band to have that kind of slotting effect though.
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