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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. Why isn't it alright? Fishing for comments, is when you create a new, anonymous account for the sole purpose of seeing what people thought of the so and so band, often coupled with some self hype. Nothing at all wrong with people honestly wanting to know what people think of their band. Especially when the band is rarely discussed, how else is he going to get some feedback. Isn't this a forum for talking about Tx bands? I think the whole issue just got blown way out of proportion on the BOA forums at one point, no need to start that up again here. I think you just need to calm down a little bit.
  2. Nicely put. It's only because I have ties to the band. If I had a vid of Woodlands, Reagan or anyone else, I wouldn't hesitate to share it with ya'll.
  3. It wouldn't. That is, if UIL judges knew what they were doing.
  4. I think if a judge can't decide between two bands, he's going to give one the benefit of the doubt. That's why you need to make yourself obviously better than the competition, make something standout. Same with auditions and whatever else.
  5. No. I think DCA may have something like that, but I'm not sure.
  6. I'd upload a video of Bell, but the whole band would go berzerk, and someone would probably die.
  7. I always hated that "you're not really cut" crap. Just outright say that you didn't make it, like the Cavaliers do at their camps. Instead of "keep coming back, and if you show a lot of improvement, you may or may not have a spot". 100s of dollars later, you find out that you really do suck, and it's too late to go anywhere else.
  8. This is a video my dad shot, and uploaded to youtube. It's the opener and almost all of the ballad. It's pretty good quality, just skips from time to time. I think he actually filmed the whole thing and just botched the upload process or something, so maybe he'll reup it with the whole show. I'll let you know. But for now, enjoy! edit: Part 2! BTW, have a spare pair of pants handy for James's french horn solo. It's spot on.
  9. You don't know what tiring is till you've done drum corps. Sorry. 8 hours A DAY
  10. If you're breathing, you're at rehearsal. You miss one, and you've got an alternate in your spot. I don't remember anyone ever missing rehearsal for anything.
  11. He's not "fishing" for comments. He's asking for them. If we can't talk and give feedback about bands on these forums, then whats the point.
  12. Yeah, it was something like that. It was only a couple of weeks, and I don't think it made that much of a difference in our rehearsal schedule.
  13. Not even close, they played amazingly. That ballad was beautiful, and part 2 was groovin' enough to make my head bob every time. No, it was only twice as good. Good, I'm glad you caught on to the show concept.
  14. I meant the last 20 seconds specifically.
  15. The organization HAS mentioned the possibility of it.
  16. Cavaliers weren't the better corps on finals night. Although, that encore performance they did was WAY BETTER.
  17. He could have graduated from Westfield for all I care, he doesn't have an obligation to keep it a secret, when hundreds of people have already seen and heard what the show is.
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