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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. Give them a sheet with all their coordinates. If they don't know where they are, tell them to read it. 2 in 35, means you're 2 steps inside the 35. 2 in front hash means you're 2 steps inside the front hash. Works for Cavaliers, works for SFA, it can work for you. Giving people a picture of the drill is just going to make them try and dress the form the first few times you run the set, and dressing to people that are making errors, is going to set up the drill way off what it is supposed to be. Forget about the form entirely for a couple of months, I think it does a band good.
  2. I can't see there being much resistance at all. There are many people that have wanted the Crossmen free from Yea! for a long, long time... including me. The only negative is the corps tradition with the Pennsylvania/New Jersey area, Allentown and all that, but I don't really care about it too much, I'm from Texas. If George Hopkins had his way, he'd get to keep the Crossmen. I remember the long time drum major Rebecca Terry (sp?), once said that the reasons she buys lottery tickets, is so that one day when she wins, she could buy the crossmen. I guess now she won't have to.
  3. And in regards to the topic... this blows. No more getting to check out awesome cities every year. I just get to go to Indianapolis for like the 6th, 7th, 8th... time.
  4. Yeah, it was horrible. The rain was freezing.... I couldn't feel my lips or my hands. The field was nothing but mud by the time we went on. The Woodlands had some sousaphones fall on each other thus creating the "taco tuba". Then they didn't even hold a finals. The judging was pretty whack too, but it wasn't exactly their fault. What a lame excuse for a competition.
  5. Man, I think I like '06 better than '96. It's a tough call.
  6. Me playing my solo: My awesome DCI Finals seats.... yeah, you're jealous. (I'm on the left) My amazing girlfriend and I: 'Nuff Said:
  7. No, SCV is known for a "BA" presence, not Rick himself. Rick is a normal guy, that is really really cool. He's not going to change the phantom image, the corps wouldn't let him if he tried.
  8. I'm trying out for Cavaliers again.
  9. Madison scouts '96 had 8 or 9 tenors, I can't remember which.
  10. If you were at finals, you wouldn't be saying that. That show took like 3 viewings to grow on me, and none of those even compared to what did on the last night. Actually, you're right. They should have won.
  11. Cavies kicking **** again, as usual. Hope they win it.
  12. I play french horn, and am also a 3-year all-stater on string bass. I've also played piano since I was 6.
  13. I'm at spring training, and I'm sore. Just did a full run of the closer today, can't wait for the full run of the show on Wednesday. Woooo, I can't wait for tour, this is a different Capital Regiment than ones from the past, that's for sure. I'm excited. And I learned today that you can get really sunburnt even during overcast weather.
  14. Record a solo you haven't played since last year, and do it after a 2-hour marching band rehearsal in one take, the night before the tape is due. Worked for me.
  15. Crossmen '04, wooo. I always liked the Music is Cool things, because they got us out of a long day of rehearsal, and we basically got to do nothing and perform for kids.
  16. Thanks Zach. I was just wondering why the Capital Regiment arrangement of Equus sounded so similar...
  17. Not me. I only have 2 more weeks at home in Sugar Land before I'm gone for dci and college... I'm not ready to leave yet.
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