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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. You've never read the book, how do you know it wouldn't help? Chances are, the guy who wrote it is way more experienced than you, and might, just might, have something interesting to say.
  2. I LOVE this show. We played the same piano concerto in my school's orchestra a couple years back, and I love it so much.
  3. Skippy


    I'm not against The Cadets's props until I have a chance to see them first. But generally, props do nothing for me, and I find them ineffective and silly.
  4. Where's the "think they should have been one, but had a good time being a section leader anyways" option?
  5. He didn't say it was Phantom Regiment.
  6. All the drummers I know think it's stupid. Whatever floats your boat.
  7. This show is going to rule. The opener is cool.
  8. As long as it's singing and not drumspeak, it has potential.
  9. It's super ridiculous, I used to have a video.
  10. 1992. My favorite dci show ever actually.
  11. Or learn to transpose, like us elite horn players.
  12. No, I was too busy sleeping in.
  13. All the kids in Capital Regiment believe I ride a horse named Strider to school everyday.
  14. 92 was better. That's my personal favorite.
  15. 1. SCV 1992 2. SCV 1999 3. Star 1993
  16. Trumpets use a different instrument to play C parts in orchestra. That's weak.
  17. Euph is bigger and stuff.
  18. I think you're out of the loop zach. Go make some non-band friends.
  19. It's perfectly fair. Nothing was stopping you from going to the store and buying it. Everyone finds out what it is at the same time.
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