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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. The Cadets performed at the olympics at 1996, but I don't think that counts.
  2. I can see where the judges were coming for when they put that show 7th. There were a TON of good shows that year. SCV 1992 is still my favorite drum corps show of all time though, I don't care what place it got.
  3. As I was going to San Antonio the following night, I chilled in the lot for a while last year, and didn't want to buy a ticket, so I snuck into the stadium when the gate check person left her station for a second. I only saw SCV though, but it's all good.
  4. Looks good, I just don't like the way the black part in the center of the star is shaped, being Spirit's symbol and all. Probably doesn't really matter, it just bothers me.
  5. haha, and then we read your signature.
  6. Skippy


    9 o'clock isn't late. I practice at 1am sometimes.
  7. Yeah, and he was stating HIS opinion. Chill out man.
  8. Not 72 or 73. Santa Clara Vanguard and Star of Indiana. That's all I can think of. Who is this many that you speak of?
  9. Haha, I used to be like you, but then I started downloading music, and well, some things just had to be deleted.
  10. 7th chair string bass player in the state. woohoo. Shostakovich 5 is gonna blow the house down.
  11. Right now, it's music ed at either UNT or U of H. I think I'm leaning a little more towards UNT, because they have one of the best string bass programs in the country, plus the campus is pretty sweet, and it's not in, well, the crappy part of Houston.
  12. I have the 1982 dvd, and I was blown away by the SCV show, but it got to the end and I was like "HECK YEAH!" and then it completly fell apart, and I was disappointed. It wasn't until I heard the story about the crowd, that I felt better.
  13. That doesn't make any sense.
  14. 20 gig. The harddrive is nearly big enough to hold my music, but I'm happy with it anyways.
  15. I'm happy that I marched Crossmen, it was a really fun experience. But just honestly speaking, I play my instrument really well and it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. But if you're looking to maybe get some experience, lower division corps like Revolution would be a great idea. Had I found out about drum corps when I was younger, I might have done that. Although, it was really weird at first being 16, because I was one of the youngest people in the corps on a bus with college students. That's an experience that I don't know that I'd reccommend to every 16 year old, and don't think that every parent would be comfortable with. Heck, I honestly don't know why my own parents let me do it.
  16. Yeah, a couple of years ago, I marched Crossmen.
  17. Actually, tons of corps in all divisions have open spots, you'd be suprised.
  18. And how is it that you define what marching band is "supposed to be"? A sterile, unchanging activity where innovation should be frowned upon?
  19. The Crossmen and Cadets ones this year were cancelled as far as I know.
  20. Well I know I wouldn't my kid marching a dca corps under 18, if I wasn't there.
  21. Cavies 91 was great. Random fact: The tuba slamming his horns down at the very end (with the HUGE glasses) is Dean Westman, educational director of BOA.
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