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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. Sign me up for asteroids please.
  2. I'm most looking foward to going up there for the Honor Band of America, that's gonna be fun.
  3. Ask your lesson teacher? That's where I got recordings of all my solos.
  4. The definition of a build up to intensity is Phantom Regiment 1996.
  5. aw man, I saw that Sunday. An INCREDIBLE show. They played Sarajevo.. TWICE! Man, beethoven's 5th was my other favorite. What a great group. I didn't realize you were supposed to dress up though, me and my friends were the only casually dressed people there.
  6. Hahahaha, what are you talking about? I don't know anyone who doesn't like Phantom.
  7. We really wanted to a horn sextet, but only quartets are on the pml list. We're doing one anyways.
  8. I have a suggestion: Interview me, because I'm awesome!
  9. Motion sickness is for the weak.
  10. Yeah, I'd like to know that as well.
  11. Yeah, you're right. Creative arranging is something that needs to stop, becaue I really love seeing the same shows over and over again.
  12. You don't know freedom till you've been on an all-state trip. It's basically, they drop us off at the hotels and say "Ok, we'll see you in three days."
  13. Use www.corpsreps.com and you can be right everytime
  14. I never noticed that before.
  15. Licolnshire Posy - Grainger. Played that my freshman year, such an amazing work.
  16. Past six placements of Cavaliers 2005 - 2nd 2004 - 1st 2003 - 2nd 2002 - 1st 2001 - 1st 2000 - 1st The last six placements of Star of Indiana 1993 - 2nd 1992 - 3rd 1991 - 1st 1990 - 3rd 1989 - 6th 1988 - 7th Oh yeah, Star definetly placed like the Cavies.
  17. Only recently? Have you listened to past Blue Devils shows, haha.
  18. You're wrong. It was called "Traditions for a New Era". They did play a piece called machine though.
  19. Thanks, I'll look into it. I think I'm the only one that's a fluent bass clef reader, but I like playing first part. I'll make them write in the notes or something.
  20. My teacher's toddler hangs in the practice with us during my lessons. She puts on a dvd or something for him to watch.
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