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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. If I can, I'm gonna go catch Langham Creeks pre-midwest concert this Sunday. Not too sure of the details, it's at cy-something I believe. I know they're playing Don Juan, but I don't know what else.
  2. Current students Me - Crossmen '04 snare #1 - Crossmen '04, SCV '05 Truckload - Trying out for Capital Regiment '06 Former students snare #2 - Crossmen '04, Madison Scouts '05 snare #3 - Crossmen '04 tenor #1 - Blue Knights '04, '05 Trumpet #1 - Cavaliers '05 Trumpet #2 - Cavaliers '04 (maybe more) Baritone #1 - Bluecoats '04, '05-dm
  3. Does anyone know of any great, difficult french horn quartets? In past years we've played 2 of the 3 Fripperies by Shaw that are on the PML list, and the 3rd one sucks, so we need something else.
  4. I practiced horn for 2 and a half hours today. I learned how transpose from C to F! How exciting.
  5. Yeah, so I was one out of area... again. But I'm not too shaken up by it. If the judges don't want to reward phrasing and musicality, well then that's not my problem. I still made 7th chair in the state on string bass, so I'll have fun in San Antonio anyways.
  6. No, it's not about money at all. Stop complaining, get off your butt, and practice. Plain and simple.
  7. I haven't marched a parade since freshman year, and that sucked so much. The Bristol parade on 4th July, 2004, that I marched in with the Crossmen... it was pouring rain, and we were marching in ankle deeps puddles. I've had some abd parade experiences.
  8. We used to have the Sky Ryders, but they folded in 1994.
  9. Heh, that'd be an awful lot of tombstones to count.
  10. Every year we have an amazing horn quartet, easily the best ensemble from our school. The past two years we have played different Fripperies, but I gotta pick something new and fresh for us to do this year.
  11. Over Thanksgiving break I auditoned for both Capital Regiment and Cavaliers. I got called back to both.
  12. Oh man, I got an apd of the Academy this summer... Amazing. They would have easily won div. 2 championships had they gone. That would be a wonderful corps to march.
  13. Today was the best that I have EVER sounded on french horn. I have never even come close to making the sounds that I was making today. I am going to tear it up tomorrow at phase 1, I can't wait!
  14. No there isn't. There is an onfield music judge that samples all performers. There is no judge for solely percussion. DCI has one though.
  15. Old head director - Marched cavaliers 90 & 91 New 2nd director - Marched cavaliers 99-02 (drum major in 02) Percussion instructor - Marched phantom 94 & 95 (pretty sure on the years) Pit instructor - Marched Star '93 (maybe more, but not sure)
  16. That reminded me, I forgot to practice today. This year I'm way more prepared than I have been in the past, I working my butt off to make state this year, seeing as how it's my last chance. Actually, since getting my wisdom teeth out a couple of weeks ago, I think my playing is suffering a little bit, especially with my high range. Auditions in one week, I hope I do allright.
  17. I used to play counter-strike, back when I had no life, and I never thought it was that good of a game. I only had fun playing it when me and my friends did some Lan. The only video game I'll play now is DDR.
  18. I saw one military band at area marching competition last year, I can't remember the name though. They were really good and it was very interesting to watch.
  19. I can't wait. We're going to the BOA National Concert Band Festival, and it's gonna be a ton of fun.
  20. Mike, you're just lucky that I forgot to enter predictions for all those 4a state things, because after that I was so far behind that I just quit. I know that I would have owned you again.
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