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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. On the San Antonio trip, I rigged up speakers to hang over the aisle, and hooked them up to my dvd player, and showed the whole back of the bus drum corps videos. When we got sick of that we put some music on and had a dance party in the aisle. Fun stuff.
  2. Yes. DCA is an organization for senior "all-age" corps.
  3. Awesome, thanks a lot man. And yeah, that was me on the right there, haha.
  4. Ronald Reagan blew my mind. I watched them perform their whole show in warm-up, and was floored by the stuff they were playing. I have NEVER heard woodwinds like that before, the only thing that I remember coming close was Lassiter 98's woodwind section. It was obvious to me that they were going to win, and why they won music in prelims. Now I REALLY want to see Marcus's show, because I can't even fathom how a band could have beaten Reagan in music.
  5. I marched Crossmen in 2004, feel free to hit me up on aim sometime. Arizona Academy rocks my socks off.
  6. Yeah, I'm going, and I'll be auditioning on french horn.
  7. Ok, you seriously need to listen to some Barber, hit me up on AIM sometime, and I'll help you out.
  8. Haha, exactly what I was thinking. Medea = Woman killing her children. Adagio = Passionate and beautiful.
  9. Skippy


    Yup, that's why it won. /sarcasm I do LOVE Star '93 though, oh man. So intense and innovative.
  10. I was only there for 10 minutes because I was taking the ACT, but I met Derek Gipson, and he's a really cool guy. I'm looking foward to the November camp!
  11. No, it's senior corps, it can be a many-time-in-a-lifetime thing if you want it to be.
  12. Skippy


    So you're saying that you can't love a show that, in your opinion, doesn't live up to Star '93?
  13. No they aren't. They are terrible instruments, that have no use outside of the marching idiom. It's the only setback whenever I do drum corps, because I have to get my french horn chops back after tour.
  14. Skippy


    Care to elaborate on why?
  15. If the horn sounds muffled, that is bad. Very bad. I don't know why you are obsessed with a muffled sound. I'd perfer an annoying, loud, crass sound, to a muffled one.
  16. Let's see, my dream show to perform would be: Medea - Samuel Barber Adagio For Strings - Samuel Barber And much to my pleasure, this ended up being our 2005 show...
  17. So there's these two muffins in an oven, when one muffin says, "Holy crap, it's hot in here" and the other muffin says, "OH MY GOD, A TALKING MUFFIN!"
  18. My horn teacher marched that show. I'm jealous...
  19. haha, well that's DCA for ya.
  20. At least that's how it is in drum corps. The british kid on our bus had to piss in his rehearsal water bottle a couple of times.
  21. I bring my huge binder of dci dvds, and I watch them. I bring headphone splitters so I can edcuate and amaze the people around me. I love pulling out the dvds of when the directors marched and had extreme closeups, tons of laughs. And then there's, "oh look, there's me being a total badass!" Good times. When we're not doing that, we're busy yelling '06 repeatedly.
  22. Haha, I knew that kid was a phony a long time ago.
  23. Yeah, the SFA band is notorious for having low-energy prelims shows. We performed much better in finals.
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