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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. I don't know why Westfield isn't coming to the regional, being so close and all. They didn't come last year either.
  2. The traffic was ridiculous, it took us 13 hours to get to San Antonio, normally a 3 hour drive. And this was not taking a major freeway, which probably would have taken twice as long. It's sad that people in Lousiana had to suffer again, and that it went East to Beaumont, but I see it as the "best" case scenario. Lots of people from LA are still displaced, and had it stayed as a category 5 and rammed straight into Houston... we'd be looking at a major disaster as it is an extremely populated area. I just feel really bad about that bus accident though, that was horrible. And yes, it is a shame that we've lost many hours of rehearsal, but that comes in 2nd to how lucky we are to have avoided the storm and have everyone safe.
  3. Aww, dude, you should have done it...
  4. Her saying the name of the show doesn't make me think any less of the Reagan program. She isn't exactly self-hyping, just informing us. And no, she didn't spill out any valuable information, just the show title, so chill.
  5. It's a category 5, and I believe it's the biggest to ever hit the Texas coast. My family is evacuating (we live in Sugar Land) in a couple of hours to who knows where. God be with everyone, please be safe.
  6. 1. Orchestra 2. Music History 3. AP English IV 4. AP Government 5. Band 6. Music Theory 7. Off campus Heck yeah...
  7. I can't wait to graduate high school. But leaving this band program is going to be very difficult.
  8. That video was really cool.
  9. Or it might be referring to the Frog of a bow.
  10. I watch Seinfeld, and occasionally I watch Family Guy. That is all.
  11. Hey, I'm trying out there this year too.
  12. No, there is no age limit. Some of the top-tier corps may say something about not being younger than 15, but that's only a reccomendation, as exceptions can and have been made for those exceptional individuals.
  13. I loved crown last year. Except for the long "beat generation" section.
  14. The Cadets show was excellent, but I really disliked the "drum speak" part. I thought it was quite unnescessary, and I would have much preferred to see the year's best drumline playing a rockin' drum solo in it's place. From what I remember from San Antonio, the Cavaliers were great. They had insane drill that was way above every other corps, as usual. Personally, I would have liked to see Phantom above both of them.
  15. Don't forget Clements. If last year was any indication, these guys will be smoking. Maybe not enough to beat Haltom, but they'll definetly be up there.
  16. yeah man, the way it makes you focus in on the things around you and such. Cool stuff.
  17. Well, you could read the post previous to mine, and figure it out for yourself.
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that GE is 60% of the score and music and visual each take up 20%.
  19. Nice... I wouldn't be suprised to see Capital Regiment in finals pretty soon.
  20. "Ok, last time..." "OK, one more time" "OK, two more times" "last time" "one more time" etc.
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