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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. Hopefully SCV will be better next year
  2. Heh, ever held a euph? Think of a baritone, times two.
  3. No, Blue Devils have many good shows, this just isn't one of them.
  4. Skippy


    I dunno, I'm not one to get scared by people marching on a football field.
  5. Skippy


    They got 7th in 1980, and won in 1981. I have the 1982 dvd though, and the SCV show is KILLER. They pulled out the suprise bottle dance ending at finals, and the crowd was in such an uproar, that the hornline on the front sideline (playing extremely loud) couldn't hear each other and completly fell apart, half the corps ending a quarter note before the other half. It was kind of a let down to watch, but not really, because it was still amazing. In person it must have been friggin' awesome.
  6. Skippy


    No he isn't. 2005 SCV Instructional Staff I don't post things like that without checking their validity first. But yes, he was there at San Antonio with the drumline, but he was just checkin' them out, he's not on staff.
  7. It's not that "out there". The Cadets's show is though. The Blue Devils show is just boring.
  8. I hate leg lifts, even though it's a massive abdomen workout.
  9. I HATE domes. They aren't fun to watch corps or bands perform in because of the sound and reverb issues. It's also not fun as a performer having to deal with that echo.
  10. Skippy


    The judges obviously aren't messed up, because SCV has consistantly been doing bad every single competition. Entertaining does not always equal high scoring. If that were true, Velvet Knights would have won in 1992.
  11. yesterday we started running 2 laps around the parking lot... about 0.6 miles.
  12. I hate when trumpets complain when it's too heavy. *coughcough*
  13. Hey dude, I'll be glad to talk to you. I marched Crossmen last year, and went to all of the SCV camps this year, so I think I could help you out. My aim is AaronPowell2000, but it might be hard to reach me with Band Camp and stuff, so if I'm never on, you can email me at dipsnation@gmail.com
  14. Just curious, what kind of commands do you give? Drum Majors at my school don't do anything like that.
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