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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. Howdy. Why are new threads nescessary?
  2. Because my brother thinks drum corps is stupid. He'll come around though.
  3. What are you talking about? That's absolutely ridiculous. Pictures of the 2005 southwind buses... And with member fees of 1400$ I have no idea how they could afford airfare.
  4. What?? At all the SCV camps I went to, Key Poulan was the friendliest of the entire staff. In my opinion, Key wrote some KILLER music this year.
  5. Skippy


    The gap between Cadets and Cavies is way too close to be saying that the Cavies are the definite winner. I, for one, find the Cadets show to be very complex, and they'll be able to take it much farther and expand upon it, and it won't max out until the very end. Oh, and I actually enjoyed the show. I just chose to ignore all the Cadets-bashing posts about how weird it was and stuff, and just enjoyed it for what it is: something new and innovative... unlike the Blue Devils, which to me seemed like a rehash of their recent show designs + tons of annoying voiceovers, and bored me to tears. (Except for the Super C's of course). Honestly, the whistiling of Kill Bill, was just awesome.
  6. Skippy


    What Division I drum corps doesn't practice all the time?
  7. It is by far my favorite Madison Scouts show. I mean, dude, PIRATES. And how about that swordfighting on the drum rack... heck yeah.
  8. 1992 Personal favorites of mine: SCV - Fiddler on the roof - favorite drum corps show of all time BD - I'm a sucker for "When a Man Loves a Woman" Crossmen - Probably my favorite crossmen show ever Velvet Knights - My favorite VK show, so many hilairious things - Godzilla, energizer bunny, fat lady, shark... Bluecoats had a cool Beatles show. Although, I havne't watched the top 5 from 1992 in a long time, and don't really remember them. But if I did, I'm sure I would like 1992 even more than I do now.
  9. Thanks for letting me know dude. Time to start practicing again... This is the year I HAVE to make all-state on french horn. I was one out of area last year, but I think I can get it. Having off periods is really gonna help with being able to practice before wasting my chops on marching band.
  10. http://www.pyware.com/ Try the demo. It was fun when I messed around it.
  11. Good luck getting rid of those things...
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