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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. Zach... you're at school, and you're on Txbands.com. You're a loser too man.
  2. Well, seeing how this thread was revived after 11 months of silence, I'll do whatever I want, mmmk?
  3. Yeah that's cool, except that you would have to go to UTA.
  4. 2003 was the best show we ever did. 2005 was by far the hardest, and the most fun.
  5. Just prepare one of them. It all depends on the professor as to what you played. I only played parts from my concerto last year, but the tuba prof might make you play the whole thing. Or you could email the tuba professor, that would probably work really well.
  6. Great for you. I was just saying that in your one post you were telling people that if they march they won't care about scores. From my experience, very few people have taken the attitude that you have, and scores matter and are talked about a lot by most people in a corps, including the staff. I know what dwelling on scores does to people, and how it affects their attitudes (I marched Cap Reg 06). Personally, I'm exactly like you, but most everyone else isn't.
  7. From what I've experienced that statement is very false.
  8. Yeah, me too, and I want to be. But a huge dream of mine has been to add more importance to orchestra in our education system. I'm not talking string orchestra either. Playing french horn in both the SFA orchestra and the Virtuosi Youth Orchestra, were probably the single greatest things in making me a better player. Not only do you become much more aware of your sound as you are the only one on an exposed part, but your level of personal accountability is raised 300%. Every note you play as a member of an orchestral wind section is a solo. The reason I haven't been nervous for an audition or performance in the past 2 years? Orchestra. In 2005 I played a solo in youth orchestra that was 2 lines long, at a banquet, for a huge crowd of people. I had no choice but to suck it up and play it the best I could, and in doing so, I mostly overcame the fear of messing up. It instilled in me a confidence I didn't have before, as "hiding" yourself in concert band is a relatively easy thing to do, espeically with doubled or tripled parts. Honestly, I want to make full orchestra something that isn't considered an afterthought or something to do on the side, which I experienced my last year of high school. Ultimately, I'd love to have it as a class period, and rather than kids being in the "top band," the best players would be in the orchestra. This is also a huge benefit to string players as it opens up repertoire possibilities immensely. Believe me, playing string orchestra piece after string orchestra gets very tedious. At least for me it did. And so many great works that some orchestras are capable of playing, get left unplayed because there isn't a readily avaliable wind section to rehearse every day. Just an idea I've been messing with for the past year.
  9. Currently, I'm majoring in Music Ed at UNT with a String Bass concentration. Although, I'm still taking lessons and playing in the Concert Band on french horn. I want to be a high school band director, but I'm definetly keeping the orchestra route open as a possible option. Also, starting next semester, I'm going to be taking jazz fundamentals classes to get that working for me as well. There's so many things I could possibly do with my future, that I'm just trying to keep my options open. I'm strongly considering getting my masters in music education from U of H.
  10. If you don't have big hands, it'll be tough to make it as a bass player.
  11. Spirit + Blue Stars being good = a new 12th place corps.
  12. For some reason, I can't picture Spirit playing a single one of Imogen Heap's songs. Should be interesting regardless.
  13. It's not "orgasmic," but it's pretty cool. Orgasmic was playing with our orchestra in Carnegie Hall... you have no idea.
  14. Generally, for audition purposes, you bring whatever instrument you want to audition on. You're not expected to bring a contra, as most schools don't use them, but you can bring your concert tuba if you want to audition on it. Under NO circustances bring a sousaphone.
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