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Everything posted by Skippy

  1. So Houston 93.7 The Arrow is having a "Guitar Idol" competition, and my friend Eddie Haddad made it to the finals. Check out his clip and then vote for him to win (he honestly deserves it if you listen to the other ones). http://www.kkrw.com/pages/guitaridol.html We got him ahead of the other guys, we just want to solidify his victory. Thanks for all the help guys.
  2. I march it like everything else. Come on guys, it's not that big...
  3. Yeah, early season. They sucked. And Suck is not a word I throw out very often.
  4. Except for the lead trumpets for more than half of the 2006 season. But yeah, finals was amazing.
  5. You haven't seen all of their shows.
  6. Hmm, I don't really mind so much. But I can understand why some people do.
  7. That is sad. You should take it more seriously next time. The easiest way to not be nervous, is to have your crap down.
  8. Yeah, great point. And "weak" was a bad choice of word. Also, in a way, having an alternate system encourages kids to work hard to make the band in the first place. I don't know, both sides are arguable. I'll figure it out one day.
  9. I think cutting people from the drill is weak. Even though we did it at my school, I think it takes the focus away from education, and places it more on being successful competitively. I don't know if I'll do it in my band.
  10. Well, that's usually how it is in the better corps, because there are more returning vets. And lots of times, that's only a requirement for the head drum major. At Cavaliers you have to march at least three years I believe.
  11. A little bit, but mainly it's because she practiced literally twice as much as me... on my own instrument. You have no idea how badly she wanted to be in the marching band.
  12. If Lassiter wasn't there in 2002, then yeah, I'd pick Lawrence Central. An amazing show from an awesome band.
  13. At Grand Nationals: Kenesaw Mountain. Wow, what a sound.
  14. I hate the PML. Lots of great horn quartets that we could have played (although the ones we did play were cool). Also, Horn quintets and sextets weren't even a category. You should be able to play a lot more than what's on there.
  15. My sister made the SFA marching band this year, after playing french horn for 3 months. (she plays violin). Practice more.
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