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  1. That is some serious copypasta
  2. That girl in the carmen show must have had a blast with all those guys around! haha
  3. Ummmmm.......Yes.
  4. Impressive....but not as "clean" as Stalin Or Cleveland
  5. ewww And I thought guys were bad...
  6. Yeah, those Russians sure are skilled at composing music!
  7. Yeah....moustache....my bad, jeez.
  8. My friend and I were arguing over this...
  9. Happy New Years!!!!! woot!
  10. Houston
  11. When H&H was selling all of their items 90% off, I bought a 3c Kelly for 3$. It's ok... but I love my megatone alot more!
  12. English
  13. FREAKYY YO= 9 letters
  14. MY director says "Make the music sound so gorgeous that people will throw babies and money on the field" OR "make it sound so good, that parents drop their kids"
  15. partay=after game!
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