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  1. I am currently in my 9th grade year and for the last three years of me being in band it has been all that I love. Recently with my new band directors and having to be in marching band, I have lost the love for my passion. I play the saxophone and I never want to quit playing, I am quite talented for my age and have made first chair in my region multiple times. I can not stand one of my new band directors and have decided to quit at the end of the year. If I do quit is it still possible for me to compete in region jazz, or regular region/ are there any loop holes i can exploit so I can continue to compete. My school does not offer a jazz band so I would be completely dissociated with the band program. Please help me if you know anything, this has been a very emotional and a very difficult time for me. And I love two of my band directors, but the marching director has made my first semester of high school completely unbearable. Thank you
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