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Tubalord11 last won the day on March 18

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  1. Welcome to the forms and congratulations on the big trip! Wishing yall the best of luck next season!!
  2. Mr Heuer, the current director at Reedy was my director when I was at Lovejoy! While I’m leaving did have an impact, he set the foundation for them and while last year didn’t go amazing, Lovejoy was still good, and I’m sure if he is leaving Reedy they will do great if they can find another strong head, and Wylie will be getting one of the best around!!
  3. Unfortunately some financial issues, and I do think they would have made it but I didn’t have them 100% in but I think they’re planning on going next season which will allow for them to place higher (most likely), which is never a bad thing.
  4. Thank you to everyone who helped bring them site back online, happy we’re back!
  5. Happy the site is fixed! Very much looking forward to next weekend and seeing all these awesome guards!
  6. Yeah I’ve got 7 locks rn (assuming Marcus is coming which they should be)8 if Blue Springs pulls up and the 4 spots for a TON of other bands, this will probably the most competitive semis ever, only the best runs will do the job, and this applies more then ever this coming season
  7. Yes I’m very excited for Emerson as well with how well their season has gone, the SO lineup is crazy strong, very excited for my first live WGI event!
  8. Completely depends on how their season goes but they’ve got a ton of momentum!! I do remember though they were seeded to at least medal in 2021 and then got 5th so we’ll see what happens but even top 3 would be amazing, though Nats next year is already insane, like might be the most competitive semis Ever
  9. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I AM TO SEE THEM LIVE!!! Will probably be crying after finals lol
  10. Last years was beyond competitive, especially with Bentonville, Mustang and Jenks coming down, gonna be hard to top that but if Marcus doesn’t come back or one of the other 2 LISD schools it could be a battle between Wakeland and Coppell for first. Would be Coppell’s first boa regional win ever
  11. Alright I gtg now but amazing job everyone!! Can’t wait to see some of these groups live!!
  12. Digging this Flower Mound show a lot!!! Just needs a little more work but wow they have really stepped up their game!! Love the sliding dots, soo effective!! Great job Flomo!!
  13. Westlake was just phenomenal! I mean wow what a show, so much energy and movement with plenty of awesome equipment moments!! Oh Pearland, wow, I was truly moved, will probably cry when I see this live lol, just pure emotions from everyone. Will be back for Flomo and the woodlands!
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