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Everything posted by Origin

  1. Noblesville with an 88.1 in open class. Promotion incoming?
  2. Went back to watch some of A class. Thought TWHS was the best!
  3. Not super surprised Warren beat Carmel. Rough run from Carmel, plus a noticeable hole in their weapon line, but I really like Carmel’s show. I hope they beef up the ending though, could do something cooler with the props maybe.
  4. Waaaay better run from Bridgeland than prelims.
  5. Hebron’s Rocky Point section is maybe one of the best things they’ve ever played.
  6. TWHS show is perfectionnnn. So excited to see what the world guard does this season.
  7. Once again Marcus has one of my favorite shows. It’s the total package!
  8. Love Pearland this year. Nice to see a Cartwright show without a bunch of giant props. That guard is starting to approach BA and Mason levels of epic flag work.
  9. Amazing run from Vandegrift. I greatly respect their commitment to the fundamentals of the activity.
  10. I love how unassuming Vista’s show starts lol. Then it just melts your face off for like 7 minutes.
  11. Finals has been amazing so far (despite NFHS being awful 🙃). I feel like I say it every time, but Cedar Ridge just knows how to get ever single person to PERFORM when they’re on that field. Shout out to that phenomenal guard rifle soloist. Coppell is always the full package. Always interesting musically and visually. They’ve really mastered bringing classical themes in a modern way. Round Rock seems to be carving a bit of a niche for themselves, I’m excited to see where they continue to go. Can’t go wrong with those SCV callbacks. Seven Lakes kinda blew me away. Lost a of simultaneous demand, but it was always full of energy and very clean. Always felt like a matter of time before they reached these heights. Bridgeland is a visual powerhouse. I can’t get over how good that guard is, especially those flags! Can’t wait to see them 3 times this weekend! Love how Reagan uses sound design and how kinda weird their arrangements are. Super demanding show, but they make it look easy. The clarity in Keller’s music performance kinda blew me away today. Still obsessed with the Godspeed closer!
  12. Kindof insane how good Vista ridge sounds….
  13. Dare I say this TWHS show is kinda underrated?
  14. Waxahachie was great. Love the saxes in the closer. Kinda felt like the brass was overplaying most of the time. Needs more nuance!
  15. Bridgeland is STUNNING visually. Love all that clean flag work. The percussion book elevates the show so much too.
  16. Marcus’ show has grown on me sooo much since just a few weeks ago. It’s the total package. They could win this I think. Fantastic run from Keller! Hopefully they make finals so I can hear that Godspeed closer again.
  17. Didn’t Keller get a new design team last year?? (at least visually). I know they’ve had the same arranger for foreverrr.
  18. Wish they would post the recaps with ordinals 😩
  19. Hebron’s whole show was phenomenal, but everything after ballad was >>>
  20. Big big fan of this Cedar Park show. Gotta clean those ballad flags before Nats tho.
  21. Flower Mound is always my favoriteeee. The ballad is absolute perfection (other than some balance issues lol). Glad they didn’t just do the polka dots.
  22. Missed most of Round Rock, oops. What I was able to see was really great but the ending felt a bit anticlimactic? Cedar Ridge just understands GE and buy-in like no other. Reagan kindof exceded my expectations after their early season results. That was pretty fantastic, love how well the shows flows despite having so many different moments.
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