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  1. . I never said I didn't believe in Brazoswood-- I stated that "they very well could rebound", one of the reasons being that they're entering this contest with the mindset that they have a lot to prove since last week's contest. I said in my argument (also my opinion) that right now in the season, I don't believe they'll be making a top 3 finish at this specific contest. Just because I don't think they're going to place in 1st, 2nd, or 3rd at this specific contest doesn't mean I don't believe in Brazoswood. Read carefully before telling me I don't believe in my own alma mater.
  2. I agree with you; I think Spring will take the cake this year. As for Brazoswood, they're going to be entering this contest with a lot to prove after last week, so they very well could rebound. As of right now in the season though, I don't believe we'll see them with a top 3 finish at this one. Best of luck to all bands competing. Lonestar is a great contest.
  3. Air Force Academy High School... is this their first time at this Super Regional? As always, looks like some great competition. Looking at your bubble, I have a good feeling about Westlake this year. I feel fine pushing them up to Finals. Go ahead and stick Haltom in that bubble, too. Good luck! Wish I could be there to watch.
  4. Wow, this is going to be a great contest. Best of luck to all bands competing. I might wake up a little early and make the drive.
  5. That's more than an absolute and forward statement. I'm pretty sure that The Woodlands has been one of the stronger visually performing bands for a substantial period of time. To say that The Woodlands never has a strong visual program is anything but the truth (and I'm sure some from The Woodlands would take quite a bit of offense from your statement)-- especially when there's evidence out there to back that up. Go and watch some of their marching videos from the earlier part of their decade... I think you'll change your opinion and your uninformed statement.
  6. I'm glad somebody mentioned Haltom. They are one of my favorite bands in Texas. I think they have some of the most musically talented students in the state.
  7. Sounds like it will be a good contest. Did the judging panel stick out to anyone? I noticed Scott McAdow. I haven't really been keeping touch (so correct me if I'm wrong), but has he even been involved with the marching industry since leaving Langham Creek? Also noticed Ferd Vollmar. He was one of my clinician directors for region band back several years ago. The judging panel is pretty diverse; I don't really know what they're going to be looking for specifically at this year's area contest. Best of luck to all bands competing.
  8. Good listing. I'm really happy for Lopez. That is a first for them, right? Hey Daniel, do you know when the trailing 7 5As might be listed?
  9. I have been out of the UIL loop for awhile-- could someone fill me in on the Honor Band competition this summer (what are the tentative dates for the judging)? Does anyone have a list of the musical pieces bands have submitted from their respective areas?
  10. I really wish now that I had gone to this Super Regional. Would you all agree that this was the most competitive/most surprising Super Regional in BOA history? Watching Bell's performance on Youtube, I still have to say that I like their show from last year a lot more. I honestly don't think the music from The Quest has (or will ever be) been topped in a marching show. Since I wasn't there, I can't form an opinion on the results. However, as always, I am just as confused as the rest. **Edit: Does anyone happen to have a link to the Preliminary Recap Sheets?
  11. Yeah, I'll definitely take a good look at them as well.
  12. I don't believe I will ever understand the BOA grading system.
  13. I think the top spot is going to be a tear between: Stephen F. Austin HS Cedar Park HS I'm not so sure about Woodlands this year.
  14. Suspended, huh? Dan, you still have the book? ... what'd you think of the GNP camp...?
  15. I went to the one in my city last week. They were going for a motivational approach... but it didn't really work too well.
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