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Everything posted by lionbc

  1. Just their luck, surprise surprise.
  2. Ha, yeah, my uncle's an MRI Tech there. HE KEPT HIS JOB! (But a nurse that goes to church with us was laid off) They are also giving everyone payment through January, so they aren't left without anything for Christmas, and they still get all their benefits, which they definitely didn't have to do. tts: not knowing that much about utmb even though i live right across the causeway from it...
  3. tin man.
  4. tts: the oldest medical school in texas shutting down (okay, not fully, but for the most part)
  5. What woodwind players are switching, and why? (ex. not enough french horns in band; drum corps) AND What tips do brass players/successful crossovers have? I was a bass clarinetist, but marched mello my sophomore year, so I've always wanted to really learn that for corps, however, nobody has been able to really help me learn. I doubt it would matter, seeing as it's Gulf Coast Sound I'd probably be trying out for (DCA corps, no not DCI, DCA). I figured this might help some people out more.
  6. You can count on Anna for anything. Gotta love her.
  7. Probably thinks I'm a complete idiot! Because I just looked at your profile...and I know I feel like one now... But I meant that Gracelyd33 was hurt because you left, in case you thought I meant me.
  8. Bass Clarinets FTW. Thought this needed to be revived. I think this year Leander is marching at least 7 basses. They generally have a fairly large (compared to other schools) section.
  9. Wow, that makes me sound like some weird fetish person. anyway. is hurt that she left before seeing her.
  10. Am I the only one that remembers when the music/audio/whatever you want to call it used to be on here? That is the only reason I have a copy of my freshman year's music, albeit a horribly bad run through at Lonestar Preview... Whatever happened to that? Oh, and I said hi to Megan at solo/ensemble when it was held at Leander, her Sophomore or Junior year I believe. Coincidentally, we've dated the same guy (not at the same time).
  11. She likes the numba 33?
  12. I never realized the song they played was actually "No Name". It's been so long since you started working on that piece that it didn't seem like the same thing I guess? You still rock my socks Anna!
  13. I can't believe people have commented on this, I thought it died a long time ago... It was pretty much dead the last time I was on here... which was quite a while ago.
  14. Hmm. Late addition here... Galveston College for me...it's in Galveston surprisingly enough. I'm planning on being an MRI Technician Hopefully I'll be able to march with Gulf Coast Sound (A DCA Corps) while I'm there.
  15. I personally love our baldrics. The only problem (aside from the sequins problem) with them are on the drum major uniforms because they are all black and have the baldric, it makes them look like their torso is short and their legs are ten miles long. I hope we keep the baldrics when we get new uniforms, they force people to have to keep their shoulders straight to the sidelines and that just keeps the standard of excellence up. White uniforms force the same standard, at least white pants/shoes, because if you're not all in step it shows more so than black does (from what I've heard). I do miss the white uniforms, even though I never got to wear them.
  16. I have to admit that Reagan disappointed me... Churchill got rained on. Maybe God liked their show so much that even he had to cry... Did that happen in Arlington?
  17. ttr: our dances towards the beginning of our show. if you ever watch it, look for the saxophones...it's fun stuff, the trombones do something cool too.
  18. It's pretty much the same here. We've had rifle lines before, but we haven't put them in shows the last three years (except three years ago, winterguard had it, but the show fell through and never really happened).
  19. A Day 1-Health Science Technology II 2-HSTII 3-Speech (2nd Semester - Student Aide) 4-AP English IV B Day 5-PALS 6-Symphonic Winds (Band) 7-AP Government (2nd Semester - AP Economics) 8-AP Computer Science II I have EOD Band because in HSTII we do clinicals, so the class is about 3-4 hours long. From about 8-12 on Clinical days, and 8:45-12 on regular class days.
  20. Three people tossing, or people doing triples? I'm assuming triples.
  21. Now, we have most of the show down, just a few charts in the third/last movement left, as far as I know. The end is still not the best, but I think we have it down fairly well. Last year we had our whole show down by our first competition, this year we didn't, but we still had most of it. I'm just sad that they took away paint pen priveleges, so no more "THIS IS MY LAST CHART EVER!!!", but I still got to put down "LAST OPENER CHART EVER!", that's when we still had them.
  22. We're now forced to wear neckstraps because of our new attention position. The boys were forced to use them even though they didn't want to. We don't use LeBlanc though, ours have two separate places to attatch it to the instrument that isn't like the LeBlancs. We do have to buy them ourselves though, which is a bummer. Texas Tech doesn't march basses either I think. They laughed at us when they played after the Stony Point v. Leander game and saw our basses.
  23. We're using flags, swing flags, and rifles. I think that's it (as far as I know). I think we've taken a brake since the barrels from Corners of the Mind and the giant doors from Door to Door (if anyone remembers those). We didn't have rifles last year and I don't think the two years before, so it's a good thing we're bringing them back, I personally like them.
  24. I'm looking forward to seeing that show now. That sounds like an interesting combination of songs.
  25. For me, I want our band freshmen to learn to suck it up and that life isn't prancing unicorns and niceness. As a whole, we're probably going to try to have the show down by the first competition like last year. I know a lot of the upperclassmen at my school want that atleast. I don't really know anything other than that.
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