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Everything posted by SleepySeal

  1. Vista ridge actually might medal. Oh my.
  2. Marcus had my favorite ballad
  3. Seeing Vandegrift in person was a dream. They’re all such individually great marchers. But I can see what some of you all mean. It’s different in person. It feels something is missing.
  4. Wow I came to prelims for the first time in 21 too. Was absolutely amazed by Vista, Vandegrift and Hebron. Can’t wait to see them again today!
  5. I’m at the 6a finals for the first time ever. I’ve seen prelims live before but never finals. Excited to be here to see the best of the best high school bands among Texas.
  6. I think this is how finals is going to play out: 1. Hebron 2. The Woodlands 3. Vandegrift 4. Vista Ridge 5. Marcus 6. Flower Mound …. That’s all I got lol
  7. Interesting so many people feel left wanting more out of their performance this year. Ngl I been feeling the same since last year. Their shows lately just don’t feel as personal anymore. Maybe it’s due to their increasing size
  8. Vandegrift or Hebron. I rly can’t tell ya between those two.
  9. Props could be it. They don’t have back props this year or in 2018
  10. Wow. I’ve always looked up to your high school! Loooong graduated since 2016 but have been following the Vandy band performances since the school opened. I just really respect the obvious work ethic and attention to detail in the final performances. —Proxima Centauri (2015) is still my favorite closer of any band. The American in Paris closer is a close second. Not rly feeling the desk go this year either but they can perform the crap out of anything. — God I wish I went to that school.
  11. Can’t wait to see how Vandegrift does. My personal favorite year after year.
  12. Does anyone know if they sell tickets at the door for this event? I live in SA and want to go but haven’t bought a ticket. They seemed to stop selling online.
  13. Idk about you guys but I’m most excited to see Leander at BOA San Antonio. They sound so powerful and that Equus section is fantastic! Happy they’re bringing back that Leander punch.
  14. Lol. As a Heights alum I can relate to your hopelessness. Especially since there hasn’t been significant improvement since I graduated. They’re getting better, just unnoticeably so.
  15. Oh cool! Same. Yeah they’re playing a lot of music for an 8 minute show. I wonder how it’s gonna piece together.
  16. Harker Heights HS - “Songbird” Air Waltz - Oliver Davis Flight of the Thunderbird - R. Saucedo Arrival of the Birds - The Cinematic Orchestra Bird Set Free - Sia New Moon in the Old Moons Arms - Kamen Paradise/Peponi - Coldplay/The Piano Guys
  17. Same here. Although area once for me. Harker Heights was my school. I believe this will be one of the most competitive and entertaining seasons. As bands step it up and change things immediately to get a shot at state. What school did you attend? Any progression since?
  18. Oh wow, very neat. And increases the chances of seeing new faces at the state level. Just wish it was put into place when I was in hs. Will this year be the first year?
  19. How did you find out Harker Heights is a confirmed participant?
  20. I’m confused, if someone would like to clarify. I thought the 6A SMC occurred every other year on even years. And 5A odd. I know 6A happened in 2021 but was due to skipping out 2020 because the pandemic. Why is the SMC held back to back all of a sudden?
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