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Posts posted by LordGiggles

  1. To me personally, Starcraft has always been the best Real Time Strategy up to this point. It would take alot of skill to program a game of that calibur. I really wish Blizzard would go up to the challenge of making StarCraft 2, instead of all these rumors. It would help the series alot, especially since it is getting old and alot of hackers play on it now, so the experience is decreasing. Though, regardless of what the public demands, we'd be dead before the moved off their baby right now ( WarCraft ) and worked on StarCraft again. It did take them nearly 2 years to release the last D2LOD patch..

  2. I have wireless too, it is "teh suk"... Specially when your playing online games. Though i have Cable, with wireless alot of time the purpose gets defeated. Your best bet is to get a Linksys to try to improve things for your router.

  3. The only sports i can really tolerate to watch would most likely be Football and Basketball and Soccer.. with the occasional Tennis game when im bored, though im not the greatest fan.

  4. Alright, kind of sports do you guys like? Feel free to discuss anything in this thread, as that's what its for, sports in general. I like Soccer, Football, and Basketball, but Basketball would have to be my favorite.

  5. Any Star Wars game, most of them are multi-console. But i'd have to say PC. I'm most fond of the Rogue Squadron Series, especially Rogue Leader, which i think is the best one. Also, Star Wars Bounty Hunter portraying Jango Fett was really good. Same with Shadows of the Empire and Dash Rendar. Star Wars the Clone Wars was another favorite of mine. Another few are Star Wars Galaxies, and Battlefront.

  6. Yeah I agree, though I believe Anakin's most violent and dark acts were AFTER he was named Darth Vader. He became Darth Vader after Palpatine knighted him as a Sith Lord in his throne room, after Anakin betrayed Mace.. and everything he was fighting for. I am hoping that they do extend footage of the Jedi Temple Slaughter in the DVD, or possibly make it a deleted scene, where the show him defeating some of the Jedi in the temple, as well as some of the masters like Shaak Ti. I also want there to be extended footage between Anakin and Obi-Wan in their duel, with some dialogue to really show how angry Anakin is feeling during the fight, for he believes Obi-Wan has betrayed him, and that Obi-Wan twisted Padme much like Sidious twisted him.

  7. It's nice to see Madison back.  I can't wait for the year when they're back on top.

    Phantom Regiment isn't too far behind though, if they keep working the gap may start closing, or as Madison works it could open up alot more, might lead into a great season for them.

  8. Alot of people don't use Itunes or are not familiar with the system, though it's still more convinient then amazon, i think most people have used amazon before and it will work best.


    And if Amazon isn't better then P2P, than what is the point of ITunes, or even offering anything dealing with buying music the Legit way.

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