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Posts posted by LordGiggles

  1. Really? That's cool. I don't mind Jar Jar, he's one of the most hated characters, but he's one of the most integral to the plot. Without his kind hearted-ness, Palpatine may have never been able to get his power, thus thwarting his plan. And also, without Jar Jar, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan may have been stuck in the forest after landing on Naboo, thus making the situation hopeless. There are several occasions where Jar Jar helps the Naboo interact with the Gungans, which helped them succeed in their efforts in the Battle of Naboo, leading them to be victorious.

  2. The Phantom Menace was ok, it was mainly to impress the kids into liking starwars, and getting everyone back in to the mood for alot of things to come. The story was ok though, it kind of assumed we knew everything though, so people watching Star Wars for the first time may not fully understand concepts of the force. The Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon and Darth Maul duel is one of the best in the entire series, probably second only to Obi-Wan and Anakin in Sith.

  3. Yeah, if we have someone help spread the name of Texas Bands, then we could turn this into a really nice state-wide and safe community for us to talk. Our ultimate goal is to be as popular as the BOA forums are here in Texas, we want this to be official.

  4. For those native to our great state, you must have play Hold'em before. Probably the greatest card game of them all. I am a huge fan, and keep up with the World Poker Tour and the World Series. Anyway, if any of you play at Poker Stars, Full tilt Poker, and Party Poker let me now. I'm mainly on Poker Stars. This topic is open to all discussion hold'em whatsoever, may it be popular players or strategy.

    I'm hoping to make it on the World Series one day.

  5. I don't remember Diablo I that well. Mainly played Diablo II and LOD. Though ever since the one day a few years ago in April where the massed banned accounts for duping and whot not, SOJ's became completely worthless, and I have disliked bartering for items instead of having a nice curreny. Though we do have the rune currency, such as 2 Pul = Um, Um = Shako, Etc. Etc. There really isn't a clear defined cut.

  6. Yeah, though it's mixed in with all of Blizzard's scum and filth on Battle.Net. StarCraft would get really good again once they cleaned out alot of the hacks and what not, it would be far more enjoyable then to go into a game to only get booted.


    By the way, remember the poll option we have here when making threads.

  7. What did you guys think about this movie? It was my favorite prequel by far, very dark, and full of alot of action and excitement. The acting was improved from the Attack of the Clones, and i want to applaud Ewan McGregor on his performance, as well as Ian McDiarmid for his performance on Palpatine. Almost Oscar-Worthy in my opinion. He did good with what material he got to Seduce Anakin. Though i wish we saw more of it and it wasn't rushed, we have to remember Anakin was being molded by Palpatine every since the day he became a Padawan when he was 9. My favorite scene was probably after Obi-Wan had just sliced Anakin, and Anakin screams in hate " I HATE YOU " but Obi-wan replies " You were my brother.. i loved you " .. Truelly emotional. What are your guys opinions, im hoping to get a huge discussion started.

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