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Everything posted by VandyBandyFandy

  1. As my user name implies, my kid's in the Vandegrift band. It was definitely not their best performance. And it weighed heavily on them. But to their credit, they picked themselves up and rocked it at the UIL State Finals.
  2. There's not a single 6A school from Texas going to Grand Nats this year. UIL being every year now makes it really difficult for bands to do BOA San Antonio, UIL State Championship, and Grand Nats. Not only is it expensive, but that's just exhausting. Hats off to the bands who are doing it this year and those bands that do it every year. But I think we're going to see less of the big Texas schools/bands going to Indy from now on.
  3. Vandy had buses not show up and break down, so they were late rolling into San Antonio. Time was adjusted.
  4. I have always said this. I personally LOVE CTJ's shows every year. They definitely go over the top with props, dress, etc. I think it makes for a fantastic show. And it's the one me (and my band kid) look forward to most every year. It's also insane how they keep adding even MORE elements every week, even going into the very last show. That's nuts and insanely hard to pull off. But I think judges tend to like more traditional shows, and that hurts them. But don't ever change, CTJ, because we love it.
  5. Vandy Band parent here. After that contest, there were a lot of folks who reached out assuming we were disappointed by the 2nd place finish at BOA Austin. But that wasn't the case at all. The Leander ISD bands are really a big family. We were all so, so happy for Rouse, especially the kids. They are a fairly new school, and that was the first competition they had ever won. And to beat Vandy in a fair fight to do it was just the icing on the cake. They also had a great show last year, and they just keep getting better and better. They're not going to slow down anytime soon. They are definitely playing with the big dogs now, and we're here for it. Would love to see them do well this weekend.
  6. As you can probably guess from my username, I'm a Vandy band parent. And Ethan (that soloist) is honestly one of the most talented musicians I have ever seen. I don't even think the solo does him justice. He's also a really nice kid
  7. It's my understanding that different competitions (UIL, BoA, etc) have different lengths and timings for shows. So bands have one show that will conform to all the different times. They start "early" with the understanding that the portion of the show that happens before the official clock starts isn't judged. And that's why the beginning of the show that starts before/during the announcements is pretty low key - more artistic than lots of marching and music. The real meat and potatoes of the show doesn't start until official time begins. Vandegrift's shows are a good example of this.
  8. I was there last night, and all of the bands were just amazing. Less than one point seperated the top 5 bands. You really couldn't have gone wrong with any of them. I will say that I really, really thought Vista Ridge should have finished higher. Their show and energy this year is just unbelievable.
  9. As a Vandegrift parent, thank you for the kind words. I think it's going to come down to a shootout between Hebron and Vandy again this year at both BoA San Antonio and UIL State Finals. I have not seen Hebron's show nor have I been able to find video of it online, which I don't think is an accident. Makes me think that they have some really great stuff up their sleeve that we won't get to see until San Antonio. Hebron is just insanely good. Last year, at one of the finals (either BoA San Antonio or UIL, I don't remember), I texted my Vandy Band daughter to tell her how great they did, and her response was, "Thanks, but I hope Hebron wins. They are really good, and they're all really nice." I love how much these bands support each other. Reagan has a great show again this year. And they are only going to get better, so I don't think they can ever be ruled out. We usually meet up with CTJ a couple of times before San Antonio, but they changed their usual competion schedule this year, so we haven't seen them. Kind of bummed about that, because I really want to see their show. I love watching them. I did see video of their show this year, and frankly, they're awesome; and it's a great show. Much more low-key than their usual shows, but it's entirely possible that it won't stay they way. They typically keep adding things until the very last competition - it's insane! I remember seeing them at BoA San Antonio last year, then watching them at UIL Finals 3 days later, and was like, "Wait a second, they didn't do that last time!" It takes a really talented group to be able to pull that off. Going to be a fun weekend for sure.
  10. I believe there are 408 band members this year. I may be off by a few, but I know it's more than 400.
  11. With Mr. Howard leading the district's fine arts program, we can be assured that all of Leander ISD's amazing band programs will continue to be well supported. Excited to see who he chooses as his replacement. I've heard a lot of rumors, but we'll just have to see.
  12. Mike Howard announced to the Vandegrift Band this morning that he has accepted the position of Fine Arts Director for Leander ISD. While we are all happy for him, and know he is not going far (Vandegrift is in Leander ISD), there have been a lot of tears shed by students and parents today. Mr. Howard started the Vandegrift Band program when the school opened with only about 40 students. It now has over 400 students and is one of the best, most respected, and highly regarded high school band programs in the nation. For those who don't have the pleasure of knowing him, he is an incredible teacher, a wonderful example, an amazing leader, and just an exceptional human being. Mr. Howard often tells the students that the Vandegrift Band is better because they were in it. The truth is, we are all better people because he led it.
  13. Vandegrift is not going. They're going to the Macy's Day Parade this year.
  14. My heart breaks for the Andrews Band and everyone involved. At the end of the day, we are all one big band family. Such a huge loss.
  15. I appreciate this sentiment, but as a Vandegrift parent with a kid who went to Grand Nats in 2019, I can honestly say that we knew darn well that if Reagan would have gone to Indy, we very well may not have won. And we were all totally OK with that. Reagan had an AMAZING show that year. We didn't see it as taking anything away from Vandy to recognize how good they were. Reagan has an amazing band program. The kids and directors in both programs (and all of these programs, really), completely support each other. I have never seen any of them sad because they "lost." Instead, they are happy for those who won. Heck, Tuesday afternoon before retreat, my kid, who is IN the Vandy band, said she hoped Hebron won because "they are really good." And that's the way it should be. As our amazing director always says, it's not about competing, it's about performing.
  16. I saw a picture of our Vandegrift uniform team (all volunteers, BTW), in the parking lot, repairing and sewing the uniform of a Cedar Ridge band member, while they were still wearing it. Love that. We're all truly one big band family.
  17. This. Vandegrift does black shoes for several reasons. One, our school colors are black and silver. Two, they look good with our black bibs/pants. Our kids wear those pants every year and with every uniform. They wear them with their regular "non-show" shirts, and then each year, they get a new shirt specific to that year's show. It cuts down somewhat on costs by using the same bibs / shoes. Three, it takes a monumental effort to tailor uniforms for 400 kids, even just show shirts. Having to tailor 400 new bibs every year would be an even bigger task. Our uniforms team starts working in summer to get all incoming freshmen fitted for regular uniforms, shoes ordered, etc. Then they have all the kids that grew 6 inches in the last year. Then they have to tailor all 400 show shirts for each kid. Honestly, I don't know how they do it. They are amazing. I couldn't imagine adding more work to that.
  18. Honestly, I think Hebron and Vandy are pretty evenly matched talent wise. They are both just amazing. I will even throw CTJ in there too. They're all so good. I think results really just reflect judges' preferences. Probably shouldn't, but let's be real - some judges just prefer certain styles. And each of these schools have a definite, distinct style. I think CTJ's unconventional style has cost them, which is a shame because they are REALLY good. But some old-school, traditional judges probably score lower because of it. I would not at all be upset to see CTJ win tomorrow or take the title in Indy.
  19. I love CTJ's show. They definitely have a style, and it's unconventional, but I'm here for it. I've seen their show several times this year, and it's one of my favs.
  20. I heard we received a penalty, but that is absolutely just a rumor, don't know if it's true.
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