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Everything posted by silvergold

  1. I honestly don't think this was fair at all for the final 4 bands that had to play during the LIGHTNING and rain. If you can see by the results most of the bands that played during the rain ranked lower than expected not as much for college station since it was only sprinkling. But for Crosby it was just POURING they didn't stand a chance with the amount of rain that came down on them. bad call honestly.
  2. I will set my prediction because I'm concerned but I honestly think...... 1: Porter 2: Magnolia 3: College Station 4: Galena Park I just personally feel like Galena Park has to have a really good run for them to advance to state, I have hope but they usually don't do as good in finals. Magnolia looks amazing this year definitely a top player for this area, but Porter with no doubt is taking home that 1st place spot they sound and march like a state band which is no surprise.
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