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Band Dad 2021

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Everything posted by Band Dad 2021

  1. Way to keep it classy LISDbandDad.
  2. Just putting this out there… there was one top 5 winner with very little to no props… just tight marching and amazing music. Lots of props might help in BOA, but there’s still a big place for practice and precision. Good luck all!
  3. Wakeland sounded really good and was tight. The soloist was phenomenal. After all of their changes in the off season it was an amazing show. Very Wakeland!
  4. I think they did pretty well at Dallas BOA
  5. Should be a great finals tonight! Enjoy the moment!
  6. They are 5A and usually do BOA San Antonio when it’s a State UIL year. If the event dates line up… which they did not last year.
  7. The energy of the Wakeland show is beyond anything else. It flies fast and furious!
  8. School Pride is soooo big when the school is small. Congrats!
  9. Good Luck at Finals everyone! Another day of Awesome performances and toooo much coffee!
  10. Agree on Wakeland and McCallum! There were a lot of special moments and some really strong competitors still to go!
  11. Let the competition begin!
  12. All the Band kids are at the temple Buccee’s
  13. Kids will be kids… Generally, band kids are some of the nicest I’ve had the honor of interacting with. Some programs are tightly managed, some are loose. Just managing a group of a 100+ hyped up teenagers is a miracle!
  14. Great contest everyone! It was a fun day in the stands and a beautiful night of music. On to States!
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