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Everything posted by bandnerd1230

  1. yes you should why is the first week of band camp (drill, fundees) so boring?
  2. On Wednesday they are adding 2 more guard members. And last night they only had 10 guard instead of 12 on the field. 2 were injured or something.
  3. is it possible for the troopers to catch up even this early??
  4. Getting laughed off the field haha! i love you lindsey
  5. I'm going to Houston, San Antonio, and Denton. I'll be traveling with the Troopers from July 17-20.
  6. Thank you for clearing that up!
  7. Did anyone go to this event? Because I heard that there were no judges on the field!? What's going on with that? And did any shows surprise you?
  8. Lindsey I hate you. It was a comparison word retard
  9. So exactly how hard would it be to go from flute to mello/trumpet? Like, could you even make a corp??
  10. Yes it is quite possible to forget how to sleep. I suddenly forgot how to actually stay asleep through the night. Why can't marching season be all year long?
  11. insane
  12. Thank you Daniel!
  13. Okay I have a response a zillion years later. Well I play flute and my freshmen year I played The Carnival of Venice. I mean it's not exactly the same on flute, but it was definitely a challenge. I had this hardcore lessons teacher and I still had problems learning it. But at Solo & Ensemble I made a division one on it so it's definitely do-able.
  14. I will be attending San Antonio and World Championships. I'm so excited!
  15. Oh my gosh it actually worked?!? That's crazy
  16. Because that means you still care and aren't a cold hearted person. :] Is it bad to smile too much?
  17. yeah, my band is doing really great this year in contests, but our rehearsals are kinda "eh". ^^yeah we tend to have amazing performances like at Area competition, but we get sent off the field a lot and have the directors yell at us.
  18. So I'm pretty sure that there is not one topic that has just flutes or piccolos. Is anyone trying out for Region/Orchestra on piccolo?
  19. Okay. Do you think Leander should have gone to State?
  20. Hmm...do you think Cedar Park will be a state finalist? They were good at area. So was Reagan
  21. Area D is the hardest area by far.
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