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Everything posted by polargn

  1. I heard they have Beth Fabrizio as a clinician right now. So they could most definitely turn it around!
  2. Sorry that is on me. Elkins over pearland
  3. 1. Pearland 2. Dawson 3. Dickinson 4. Sfa 5. Foster 6. Clear brook 7. Elkins 8. Pasadena Memorial 9. Clear lake 10. Shadow creek
  4. Nice list, but how come clear brook below foster and clements? I could see any of those 3(clements,foster, and clear brook) rotrating from 4-6 though.
  5. I believe in the first block that Clements would have the best chance at finals out of anyone from that block. Clements and then Klein cain. Those are the two with the best chance from block 1. But got to feel bad for those schools in the first block. Even if they do make finals, that day will be rough regardless
  6. Any exciting shows reveals yet?
  7. I stil havent heard of elkins
  8. The week i got a chance to watch both dulles and austin and personally i would put dulles in finals. They seem musically mature and visual pretty clean. I honestly think Dulles makes it over Elkins but i guess we will find out in like 8 hours lol
  9. Yo do you go to Elkins💀
  10. I just watched a clements performance and their music is soild. Along with their visual, they have a rotating block at the beginning of their show which is WAY more clean than the ones they had last year. I could see improvements from their last placement of eight place. I could see them pushing top 5. Same thing with Shadow Creek and Brazowood(Especially after seeing their Boa Katy performance)
  11. How many schools make finals?
  12. After the contest yesterday. 1. Pearland 2. SFA 3.Dickinson 4.Dawson 5.Clear Book/Shadow Creek/Clements 6.Clear Book/Shadow Creek/Clements 7.Clear Book/Shadow Creek/Clements 8.clear falls 9.brazowood 10. clear lake
  13. I think clements takes this contest with maybe Brazowood contesting. Is this contest prelims only?
  14. My top 3 for this comp are Clements High School, Brazowood High school, and Klein Collins High School. With Klein Collins being third and Clements and Brazowood being interchangeable.
  15. Yes!!!!! Shadow Creek can make the jump. Also Clear Lake, Clements, and Brazowood have the potenital but we will see. Then I can see some of those FBISD schools that didnt make finals last year making it this year(Dulles and Travis).
  16. I cant wait for next season!! As a clements allumni would love for them to do great but all the other bands in this are also very good. 7-8 bands you can make a arguemnt for making state.
  17. Personally I think Clements could potenially get back into that top 5 but we dont know anything yet. i guess we will see!
  18. Pearland Clear Brook Austin Dawson Dickinson Clements Brazowood Clear Lake
  19. Yea i agree, There are 7-8 bands good enough to make it into the top 5
  20. Clements musically sounds great but visually not so much. Maybe they can clean before area. It going to be a tight race for that last state spot
  21. My top 3 schools Kempner Friendwoods Foster
  22. Yeah, I saw their katy performance, visuals are still a little dirty and could still improve musically
  23. My predictions are Clear Brook Clements DIckinson Brazowood For TOp 4. With Clear brook sweeping captions.
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