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Everything posted by JMR2022

  1. I am not pushing for Wax to get disqualified - once they were announced you cannot pull them back - not fair to the kids - but CTJ should have been added. they all play by the same rules - as noted above, CTJ starts their show prior to their announcement to meet that same rule - everyone adjusts for the UIL 5 minute min - 8 minute max. I am more than aware that there are a great deal of unpaid volunteers at these events - as I will spend my entire weekend at the dome for BOA-SA as I have done for years. the fact remains that there is a rule that was bent - UIL made accommodations for WAX but not for CTJ. either enforce the rule or do away with it
  2. The rule does not state that there is a "few additional seconds" allowed. the committee ruling yesterday, was that they were concerned that it was an error of the time keeper running the clock even though they had the video with a time stamp on it. My comment of adding CTJ to finals was that UIL drug their feet on this all day and once they announced that Waxahachie had advanced it would not be fair to take it away from them. But it is also not fair to CTJ that would have advanced. As for the comment that UIL does not favor their type of show - correct - CTJ is going to Grand Nats this year and generally they always do a BOA type show, that has been their style and they have always done the pre-show and started prior to the school being announced. But after opening in 2008, they have advanced to State every year since 2010 and finals every year since 2012. during that span they have also picked up a UIL Bronze Medal in 2014 and a Gold Medal in 2020. At the end of the day, it comes down to a rule that has been used many times in the past to exclude programs including Roma in 2019. If you have the rule then enforce the rule - if not, then change the rule or do away with it - 42 other programs followed it during yesterdays competition.
  3. CTJ was robbed of finals. If you followed this thread earlier in the day, you would have seen comments of Waxahachie being disqualified for exceeding the time limit. It was decided that they would not be disqualified or penalized in any way by a panel. Even though the UIL rules state - as listed under Section 1105 shall apply to the state marching band contest with the following exception: Any Band that leaves the field in less than five minutes or fails to complete its performance in eight minutes shall be disqualified. they have used this rule to disqualify programs in the last 10 years that I have been involved with UIL. I am not saying that Waxahachie should be excluded after they were announced as a finalist - but if you are going to ignore your own rule, to make concessions for them you should also make concessions for CTJ and add a 15th finalist to the event. at the end of the day, if you have a rule, it needs to be enforced or done away with.
  4. CTJ in 2020 was the first San Antonio band to win in 35 years - going back to 1985 - I forget the school that won but it was not Churchill
  5. the first store of #teamtexas merch will close on the 28th - if you order in the first round, you will get you items shipped to your home by USPS by Sept 15th we will likely have a second round opening of the store that will deliver in Mid-October get yours now
  6. we have tried to do that - but I have gotten little to no response from the programs so we have not been able to make those donations - this year, all funds raised will pay for the #teamtexas traveling Trophy for the San Antonio Super Regional.
  7. TMF has removed that since it is being sent to each home - we recently used this site for our March a thon shirts in a bulk order so we asked for that to distribute the right size to the right kids. TMF confirmed this morning that the all issues including the names on the back have been corrected - appreciate your patience and support
  8. not sure what you are seeing - the 8 bands going this year will be on the back
  9. yes - it was not showing - but has been addressed by TMF
  10. there have been a number that have run the gauntlet of the 3 in the past.
  11. Gang the #teamtexas shirts and such are now available at the online store with TMF. The store will close on 8/20 and once produced will be shipped to home address via USPS. there will likely be a second opening of the store prior to Grand Nats. be sure to grab your now. these should be delivered prior 9/15 - just in time for the early regionals. hit me up with questions. https://stores.inksoft.com/teamtexas/shop/home Teamtexas final flyer.pdf
  12. exciting to see 4 of the 8 teamtexas bands going to grand nats at this early event
  13. looking forward to this show - get to see 3 grand nationals bands that should be in the finals - CTJ, Bowie and Pearland
  14. it should have been - but the base will have the names of all the schools that have won it since San Antonio became a super regional in 2003 -
  15. so we received the new designs for our new 2023 #teamtexas shirts, hoodies, and hats. we hope to finalize these this week and will again offer them during a window to purchase in the TMF online store. they are shipped to customers homes via USPS within 10 days of the closing of the store. there will be a second ordering window Proceeds from the sales of merchandise will be used to fund the new #teamtexas Traveling Trophy for the winner of BOA SA Super Regional you can follow this project on Facebook at "#teamtexas 2023 Grand Nats" just answer a school you are affiliated with for access (trying to keep out the scammers 2023 Texas Texas Shirts.pdf
  16. Yes - it is going to be a thing. I spoke with the designer this past week and submitted my concept. they are working to create a design in the next 10 days or so that we can submit to MFA/BOA for approval to produce it. it is looking good that this will happen and be ready prior to the 2023 BOA-SA Super Regional.
  17. Multiple discussions today with MFA/BOA. they have approved us moving forward to design the trophy. Our current design plan is to have a wood base similar to the Kevin Trophy but slightly smaller in height and width. instead of the eagle, we are working on a the northern Mockingbird on a branch of blue bonnets - this captures the state bird and state flower while also paying respect to the CTJ namesake "Lady Bird" Johnson. In many ways it will be like the Grand National Trophy but shorter and the bird will be smaller than the eagle. it is not our intent to upstage the Grand National Trophy. Once the design is completed, we will submit it for final review and produce the trophy to be presented in November in the dome.
  18. the MFA/BOA Leadership will be reviewing this idea tomorrow - hope to hear something by the end of the day on what, if any trophy they will allow/approve for the SA Super Regional - we are working on a number of designs that include the armadillo, a road runner, and a northern Mocking bird (this is the state bird - makes sense if they use an eagle - national bird for nationals - that we use the Texas bird for the Texas super regional. so much more to come - will keep you posted as this develops
  19. Update on the #teamtexas traveling trophy - my first pass was going to cost $6K for the base traveling trophy, but we wanted to have it set up where the school takes a smaller version home for their trophy case. that appeared to be a bit steep for me and our foundation. the goal is to have a very unique and very "Texas" trophy that we could set up at the alamodome for a selfie station like they do in Indy. I have initiated the conversation with MFA/BOA so that we can use their logo for the trophy or at least understand if they are going to have an issue with us doing so. Hope to have a final design to share by late June as well as our new designs for the #teamtexas merchandise for the 8 schools going to grand nats. much more to come.
  20. Please add CT Johnson - home team that is hosting the event
  21. Gang as I have done in the past, I have created a Facebook page dedicated to the 2023 Grand Nationals and the #teamtexas programs that will compete in Indy in November. It is a private page that request that you state the program you support or follow - it does not have to be a program attending. it is just to weed out the scammers that try to get into these group pages and steal your info. as we have done in past years, The Bands of Claudia Taylor Johnson Foundation will be selling hoodies and long/short sleeved t-shirts with our #teamtexas logo and the name of the participating schools on the back. these funds go to support the attending programs as well as the CTJ foundation and their support of the Mr. Holland's Opus Fund and the CTJ Band cluster schools. if you would like to join the group search for "#teamtexas 2023 Grand Nats on Facebook and answer the question of the program you support and we will get you added. the site is intended to allow each program to share their season up to and including their trip to Grand Nats. in the past it has been a great time sharing our kids adventures. we will start sharing the info on the shirts/hoodies in July. they will be done through TMF and products you order will be shipped to your home address anywhere in the U.S. via USPS. Currently I have mostly confirmed that CTJ, TWHS and Keller will be attending Grand Nats - that may increase or decrease as the new UIL State changes are worked out. the Bands of Claudia Taylor Johnson Foundation is proud to support this project as a means to provide financial support of our cluster - check us out on Facebook or our web page at https://www.thebandsofctjfoundation.org/
  22. The director change at CTJ has happened and is effective in about 6 weeks - it has been known for some time that this was coming and 2023 Grand Nats has been planned for some time - I would be surprised to see that change - I have already designed the #teamtexas shirts - just waiting to see what programs are confirmed to go. CTJ will be rolling out a new "Classic" CTJ uniform to replace the retired "baby blues" as well as a new marching uniform for the 2023 show to kick off the next era of CTJ - both are amazing and I cant wait to see them both on the field in Indy in 2023.
  23. I believe 7 is the record for Texas Bands at GN - I have heard of a number of programs that are attending in 2023 - I believe that CTJ is planning to attend with a new director in place
  24. that is my concern - they may drag it out. but since we host the event we could do it anyway off the field and make it a Texas award that is not sanctioned by them. I had a conversation with the MFA CEO at BOA-SA so we are on track for next year. Just gotta get the details ironed out - but I will make this happen. My point is that it is being done by the host program that provides more than 350 volunteers with more than 2,500 volunteer hours over a 4 day period to make the BOA San Antonio the best run event outside of Indy - If the other Super Regionals want to play then they can do the same and pay - it is not a cheap process to create a trophy similar to the Kevin trophy. Texas needs their own Trophy - every year we hear "if only the BOA SA winner went to Grand Nats this year" - or maybe we create a BOA Governors Cup Trophy - there are many ways to skin a cat. Will keep you all posted - I have a designer working on the trophy as we speak.
  25. I doubt there will be objections - just need then to plan/build a time to award the trophy during their retreat. Excited about getting this off the ground
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