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Everything posted by kks_x

  1. I don't remember the exact order of awards, so I'll just give you the first place bands. Group I- The only band competing; Lago Vista. Group III- Elgin Group III Open- Taylor Group IV Open- Connally Group V Open- I think it was Anderson, might've been Leander. Group VI- Again, the only band competing; Pflugerville. I'm not sure about the caption awards. In IV open, Connally got all of them except best color guard, which, I believe, went to Dripping Springs. As for the other groups, I have no idea. CONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE!
  2. :[ Really don't want to be 5A. It's nice to be BIG BOSS 4A CONNALLY. Not newcomer, baby 5A Connally. I'm not too happy about realignments, as you can see.
  3. Mm, 4A State Silver Medalists. Connally. :] Here's our show from finals; Londenigma. http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=...ideoid=22959111 The audio might be a little off. mm.
  4. yum! i love today. most definately! :] ahh. i am still in shock. second? geez, can't wait to wear this silver medal. congrats to all of the bands though, seriously. this was a tough competition year. and dude, mad props for AREA D. all of us made finals, heck yes! great job guys!
  5. Eek. Man, the competition between Hendrickson and Connally is going to be fierce. We (CHS) placed first in prelims, and HHS was second. In finals HHS was first and CHS was second. geez. tough competition, that's for sure. :]
  6. Hm, sorry. I didn't mean for it to come off sounding so bad. I wasn't trying to 'bash' HHS. Seriously, I have lots of friends who go there and I am not trying to say that the band is bad in any way. It is my opinion, however. And in my opinion, I feel that Dripping Springs is lightyears ahead of any other band in Area D. Sorry if I caused any ruffled feathers. I really wasn't trying to come off sounding like a jerk.
  7. This year our gaurd is using umbrellas, derby hats, skirt/flag things (hard to explain), and of course the usual flags. :] we never really have gaurd props. just flags.
  8. Thank you for you kind words! :] Saturday was tough for our band. We had three performances that day, with USSBA being the second. That field is blessed for us, I promise. Two years ago at area we performed there and gave the best show of our lives. Saturday when we went on, it was the best performance of the season. Everything was so amazing. Of course, placing 10th in Westlake finals gave our band a serious jerk back to reality. We're going to be working harder than ever because, heck, we want to make it to state. :] Anyway, I was wondering, do you have the overall results from the competition? Not just the top 3?
  9. ... i can't believe you. i mean...even i know that our drive is lacking right now, i think that westlake was the wake-up call we needed. especially for the upper classmen, we know how it feels to make it, and we know that it feels good. taking last place is no fun. even the fish know that much. but honestly? when you say that we're not going to make it, we won't. not because we can't. but because in our minds we've already lost. wow... long post, yikes! ANYWAY. I definately expect to see Waxahacie and Poteet at state along with Friendswood. :]
  10. As much as I hate to admit it, I think you're right. If we [Connally] can have another performance like we did at Hays USSBA yesterday, then I think we'll be fine. Otherwise...not so sure. BUT. I really don't think that I'd put Hendrickson up there as first choice. I think that Dripping Springs is waaaaaaayyyy better. Hmph. I wish that our band would step up. :[
  11. I love my neckstrap. :] Buy one of the NeoTech sax neckstraps and you'll love it, I promise. They're made of a foam/rubbery stuff so they don't soak up sweat, don't smell, are very comfortable, and don't leave nasty "leather" marks on your neck. Anyway. I can't believe that a lot of bands don't march basses! We have six total, five on the field. All girls except for one sophomore boy. Haha. :]
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