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Everything posted by PearlandFluteMom

  1. I love their show. They always have a cute show, but this one is one of my faves that they have done. When they have the “Crazy” solo then the entire band comes in… goosebumps.
  2. Is anyone else having problems with Box5? It keeps saying “streaming on too many devices” but I am logged out on website and only watching on my phone at work
  3. My daughter graduated already and it still makes me emotional.
  4. Good luck to all bands tonight. This was by far the BEST state finals I have ever seen. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Band is bigger and better in Texas. The dedication of all of these kids is just remarkable (and that’s an understatement). I am proud of every single kid on that field right now. To say that this was an emotional 2 days would not do justice for how I have felt watching it all. GO TEXAS AND GO BAND!!!
  5. They deserve it for sure. Beautiful show. I’ve always been a FloMo fan.
  6. Congratulations to all finalists!!! And congratulations to FloMo on a 1st place finish!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Good luck to all bands tonight. It’s going to be close for quite a few bands, but they all did remarkably well. Band is always better in Texas.
  8. Same. The only thing running through my mind right now is something happened with a kid. I hope and pray that’s not the case. 🙏🏻
  9. This… very well said. Y’all are the reason we do what we do. I am so proud of every single student, not just in Pearland, but across the board. Band kids are the most dedicated, hard-working kids in the world and y’all all deserve every single cheer you get.
  10. Hopefully y’all have a lot of freshman coming in. Band is life, even after graduation.
  11. It’s the biggest the band has ever been. Guard is 3 times bigger than it was 2 years ago. We had 300+ kids 2 years ago, so it has grown so much and so fast. Btw, I LOVED YOUR SHOW!!!!
  12. We are always at every competition and game, even after our kids graduate. My daughter graduated in 2023. Myself and a lot of other Pearland graduate parents still attend everything and cheer them on. Plus the friends and families of the current band kids (425 kids in the band right now). Yeah, they have a very large fan base. 🥰
  13. Area E Finals Schedule 9:00 - Foster 9:15 - Clements 9:30 - Clear Lake 9:45 - Fulshear 10:00 - Pasadena Memorial 10:15 - Pearland 10:30 - Clear Brook 10:45 - Dickinson 11:00 - Stephen F. Austin 11:15 - Dawson
  14. Last band (Clear Springs) is on the field now.
  15. Thank you for the update! I was about to head over there again, but I’ll wait a little bit. Just trying to get back to see Dawson and Pearland
  16. Aww! Thank you! My daughter graduated already (c/o 2023), but once a band mom, always a band mom. I’ll be cheering on ALL of the bands on Saturday. Good luck!!!
  17. Y’all got this! Performance time may not be ideal, but don’t let that get in your head. Go out there and show us what you got! Leave fear on the bus and take confidence on the field. I’m excited to see your show in person. Keep your head up and most of all… HAVE FUN!!!
  18. My daughter graduated last year, but those are all still my kids. I was a chaperone for everything so I adopted them all. I am so proud of how far they have come. To watch the band grow and be as successful as they are has been the highlight of my life. I’m rooting for all of the Texas bands, though.
  19. She is okay, thank goodness. Not only did she pull through, but she was able to do the finals performance.
  20. I’m a parent of recently graduated Pearland flute and I have been cheering on Hebron just as much as Pearland this year. Their show makes me emotional. I have tears in my eyes during the ballads and when they finish. In my opinion, it’s the best one I have seen in my marching band years.
  21. I watched high cam for a couple of bands and multicam for a couple. They’re both good. I’m pretty impressed with the streaming so far, but I have nothing to compare it to since I have only watched competitions on Box5 so far. This is my first experience with this network.
  22. I have witnessed her dedication to her guard when I worked equipment warmup at TCGC the last 2 years. Truly inspiring.
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